A Self Portrait...

02 January 2015


In the past every bit as blood thirsty and gory as Islam has evolved the difference between these two religions now is that one has grown into a largely accepting, inclusive almost social institution and the other while having some admiral qualities has not. In many countries Islam continues as it has done since its founder was alive particularly in Saudi Arabia the home of Islam, where its most important and sacred sites are to be found and where men are still beheaded, women beaten and abused and public flogging of men and women is routine.

Everything Islamic extremists do can be found in the Koran, similar atrocities are to be found in the Christian Bible but they have long been cast aside and condemned by the leaders of Christianity, obviously this has not happened in the Islamic religion, part of  the reason may be that Islam does not appear to have a formal leader. Its Imams are a motley crew who appear to have no order of command, once you become an Imam you become a major part of the law to your community.

The reason Paganism is flourishing is because Christianity if not welcoming is for the most part tolerant of  the older faiths. It seems to me that you can't be Pagan and support Islam, you can't be Pagan or female and support those who devalue Pagan religions and imprison the feminine.

I believe our western culture of accepting Islam is both dangerous and lazy. Most establishment people refuse to stand against Islam because they believe in religious freedom and more importantly they don't want to rock the boat and in doing so reveal how badly damaged the western, Christian boat has been allowed to become.

The west is listing apathetically toward major decline just as importantly its decline will allow the expansion of faiths that remove our hard earned freedoms replacing them with a stern religious doctrine not of our choice but of our blind refusal to recognise the need to assert our Christian base.

If we don't assert our Christian base it will be over ridden by Islam if or rather when that happens all Paganism will be forced on pain of death to return to the wilderness and secrecy of the past.

Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries still kill anyone found guilty of witchcraft that the particular form of witchcraft practised in Saudi Arabia bears little resemblance to western Pagan Craft makes no difference because Saudi Arabia would do exactly the same to all Pagans.

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