A Self Portrait...

27 October 2016

How Come

We never notice our poxy shoes have sprung a leak the size of piggin Watergate until we're too far from home to walk back and so end up squelching through puddles and watching bubbles burst from the side of what was once the sole of our shoe. And before some twat asks why waste time looking at your feet in such situations, its important to watch! bad enough if the waters slithering in through the sole how much worse if it also pours in over the top of the shoe?

I have shoes, in fact for someone who doesn't really like shoes at all and spends most of the year in flip flops I have lots of shoes. Its too bad I only ever take one pair outside...I've had it with shoes.

Well of course it unsettled me squelching into town wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I decided the miserable dump wasn't worth getting dressed up for,, and that's not fair many of the people I see in town are really lovely, kind salt of the earth people, its a pity the rest of them are the spawn of Satan. Anyway I think someone spotted my Gucci watch and now thinks I robbed a jewelers. Up her leg. I bought it from a stall in Norwich about ten years ago its about as Gucci as I am but I will say this it cost less than a tenner, keeps excellent time, and you can only tell its not Gucci if you look closely enough to see most of the 'gold' has faded away.

I did what little shopping I had to do, I was going to order online but I think I do that too often, spend more money on rubbish when I do, and don't get any exercise. How was I to know it was going to bucket down as soon as I reached the main road...

21 October 2016

This Site Can't be Reached!

The trouble with some, ahem, cough, snarl, 'communities' is in spite of all the evidence against them and of which they are fully aware, they manage to talk themselves into believing they are victims. This happens because unsurprisingly their guilt is the one subject they can't share with anyone outside the 'community'. So what you get is the same discredited, dishonest and fictitious nonsense regurgitated until the 'community' believes its own lies.

Not good enough, not acceptable and not an encouraging sign of future anonymity is it?

I suggest the teensy little problem be fixed before I get impatient. I want my freedom and my anonymity returned I take very little interest in what the 'community' want and I will not be held by any agreement I wasn't fully informed of and didn't in anyway agree to be part of, its a little thing called equality.

You see you really can't decide you have reached an agreement with someone when you can't even admit your own name to them. 

18 October 2016

Been There, Done That. Worried!

It worries me, I can't help it, it worries me. Do I believe someone would steal my dogs? Ordinarily no although I know there is a trade in England I've never worried about it here, until now.

Neither dog is what you might call prepossessing both being cross breeds and neither having any obvious talent, except possibly the unenviable ability to be torn apart by other dogs in a matter of seconds.

I should have ordered stuff and got it delivered but I had a letter to post and I didn't intend to buy much until I noticed Tesco have reintroduced Cats Club and my cats and dogs love Cats Club. What can I tell you to misquote psycho Hillary Clinton who misquoted Julius Ceasar: I saw, I bought, I suffered.

It had to be done I tell ye! I couldn't be sure the branch that does the deliveries would stock them and I couldn't bear the thought of not getting the girls something they like so much. I regret it. It always takes me hours to get over the walk into and the walk back from town and what's worse this time I forgot my walking stick: left it in the bank! Which I didn't even need to enter except I was in town and I thought might as well kill two birds with one stone and both feet.

I didn't like the careful inquiry about names it unsettled me and I  know I will worry incessantly. I wish I hadn't gone, but then again I'm glad I bought Cats Club the girls loved it for dinner all four of them, yes the dogs had to have some too and I daresay I'm worrying for nothing...

Updated 19/10/2016

Great News! The Bank of Ireland had my walking stick and gave it to me immediately, I was so pleased and grateful. Actually its not my walking stick, well it is but it was my uncles walking stick first. I like it better than any other because its long almost a mini staff or, as some might be well advised to look upon it, a very long baseball bat...

Enough! Its back in my hot little paws now and I need it. It helps me when I get puffed and/or when my hips/knees/joints hurt.

13 October 2016

What Difference?

No difference is the answer my attitude is the longer I stay away the more the usual suspects relax. I don't exactly care about that because in a way all it means is the shock when it comes and it will will be so much greater as a result of their over confidence and premature relaxation.

That's it, nothing has changed and unless a deal is agreed nothing will change until I change it...

Teddy Bear

Today Trish and Tony had to say goodbye to their handsome Teddy and I thought I would say a few words about this loving, loyal boy who had such a bad start to life he never entirely recovered.
Some years ago neighbours of Trish and Tony began complaining about a dog barking in a near by back garden, of course they couldn't ignore it they went to see what was wrong.
Teddy had been left in the back garden of the house when his owners moved out, just abandoned to a small square basically no more than a yard, no one to care for him, talk to him and take him for walks. It seems one or other of the previous owners would return from time to time and throw some food over the fence. Obviously Trish and Tony wouldn't tolerate that, they got Teddy out of the garden and took him home and that's when Teddy met Leo the only dog he ever cared about, they became best friends as Teddy settled into his new life of long walks, the best food and people who loved him.
It can't have been easy, there was a dispute with the previous owner who had to be threatened with legal action before he gave Trish and Tony legal ownership, and then training courses were arranged for Teddy I'm not sure but I think he failed all of them. He simply could not overcome his past enough to be relaxed around any other dog than his Leo. It made no difference to Trish and Tony they took him for walks late at night, early morning and in less populated areas. Teddy was a very lucky, happy boy
I met Teddy soon after he was rescued, this big handsome boy came to my house and put Ollie right in his place which for safety sake was locked in my bedroom whenever Trish, Tony, Teddy and Leo came to visit.
My poor Ollie was so upset! He absolutely adored Leo and Leo this big handsome Sandringham Labrador was so kind and tolerant to Ollie my little American Cocker Spaniel he got the impression he could do what he liked. It took Teddy to make it known in no uncertain terms that he most definitely could not!
Leo has gone so this year has my wonderful Ollie and now today Teddy has gone to join them I have no doubt at all Ollie will have his nose put severely out of joint and will have to find a good hiding place.
This is Teddy Bears story as I remember it. I hope Trish and Tony don't object and if I've made mistakes tell me.
RIP handsome Teddy Bear Trish and Tony made sure you had the life you deserve

11 October 2016

Hillary Clinton V Donald Trump

This is Donald Trump talking about women when he thinks he's having a private conversation with fellow men

This is Hillary Clinton describing her defence of the person who raped a twelve year old girl so badly she was left in a coma for five days and could never have children. Hillary is laughing. Well, I'm sure there's nothing funnier than saying a twelve year old girl is interested in older men and fantasizes about being raped by men in their forties who by the way just happen to be neighbours.


I don't like Donald Trumps comments I think they're typical boorish male but I don't think they're criminal or particularly offensive. It wasn't about me. It wasn't a serious threat to women.

I absolutely loath Hillary Clintons comments about the rape of a twelve year old there is no excuse she went way beyond mere defence and in going that extra light year she compounded the serious, life altering injuries a child had to endure and then live with, there is no comparison between what Hillary Clinton did and what Donald Trump said none whatsoever

This is Donald Trump being as polite at its humanly possible to be about Bill Clinton a serial abuser of women and Hillary Clinton his wife of decades and his main protector from the accusations of his victims.

There is no comparison and for the record I think both Hillary and Bill Clinton should be in prison not trying to return to the Oval Office Bill Clinton disgraced.