A Self Portrait...

28 June 2017

Just Finished

watching a film, two hours long and I watched all of it, well between last night and this evening I watched all of it. I think I was mildly disbelieving and just as mildly contemptuous. It was meant to be a sweet everyone loves everyone movie and in a way it was but not the right way and not I think for the right reasons.

Maybe it can't be done, maybe its not possible to put a gay romance in a heterosexual or even rural setting, but if not why not?

If I try to change a famous fictional hero into a gay character how does it work, can it be done? Of course it can but I think it needs careful thought and it would actually be much better to create a new gay fictional hero, but if no one is creative enough to write a new superhero who among the old heroes is there?

Well, I think Batman could make the leap I always think of him as being halfway there already, particularly if I think in terms of the Batman of the old tv series.

People are not heroes and most of us like to feel comfortable in our surroundings, friends and love, and maybe for some people being in the company of a gay or straight love affair of the opposite is uncomfortable. I didn't used to think so, I spent many years in a very mixed environment but the thing is it wasn't a real life environment mostly it was the opposite and some gay men were attracted to it like moths around a bright light.

Maybe there is and is meant to be a difference between heterosexual and homosexual romantic groups the old saying like to like and Nan to Nancy rings loud. I'm not going to try to analyse reasons or suggest we should change, I'm not sure if we should change acceptance is one thing adoption is another. We should all accept and enjoy each others differences but no one can successfully adopt or change something so fundamental to each individual or slap the different groups together as though there is no difference there is a difference and for me trying to suggest there's not made for a very awkward movie.

This post is nothing to do with the LGBTQ XYZ movement they are the G string and leather bike boys end  of the market, and at the moment they are caught in a trap of their own making. Nothing they do is new, original or much fun anymore. One G string looks a lot like another and leather clad boot boys are the same there is no originality there, there's not even surprise.

No, its not about them its more about real life, real people do actually accept each other, maybe they'll never be best friends but they will be friendly and if needed supportive, what most of them may not be is automatically comfortable within each opposite group and it seems that is what some people not solely gay or straight are demanding. I don't think it can be done. I'm not sure it should be we are all individuals and what makes us different is what makes us unique  Our uniqueness is what we should cherish if people want to live their lives differently it is their right to do so, what they have no right to do is demand others support and comfort them. Live your way and let others live theirs  

17 June 2017

I Have a Mild Aversion

To 06.00 or six am I have an aversion to it in any language and any time zone. For more years than I care to remember it was the time I got up, showered, dressed, had a cup of tea and went to work. 06.00 is not a time I awake by choice.

So I was a wee bit irritated to be awoken at the hated hour by the continual, woeful, very loud and very unusual yowling of Trixie. Trixie was not being polite, there was no hint of a subtle I'd like to go out, there was instead a non stop continuous yowl.

She woke us all. I was about to give in and let her out when I just happened to look out of the window - and there he was - bold as brass, completely unafraid and just mildly curious. Both dogs went nuts.

Pippa watched with great disdain from her side of the window ledge and Trixie yowled and headed for the door. I did not let her out.Nor did I succumb to the non stop furious barking of Jessie and Maggie. This was I thought definitely a case of discretion being the better part of valour.

The absolutely adorable and beautiful ginger, real ginger not that shabby yellow of the cats we so often see, sat on his side of the window ledge and stared at us. Evidently he was curious, not ferociously so, just having a gawk through the window as other neighbours have been known to do without getting their ears bitten and their eyes scratched out...

He, I've decided he is a he even if a very young and potentially foolhardy he, definitely a he, and he is welcome! I'd like to think he has been neutered but I really doubt it.

After a minute or two, he was in no rush...he got bored and jumping down wandered off into the nether reaches and weeds of what passes for my garden. I glared at the barking dogs, told Trixie and Pippa they could not go out and went back to bed. Smiling.

14 June 2017

What Happened in London Last Night?

Related image

The fire in a 27 floors block of flats is said to have started at about 01.00. It burned all night I like many night owls watched in horrified fascination as flames engulfed the whole of the modern block of flats. If you look you can see rows of houses close enough to the burning building to have been in grave danger as the flames roared to the sky and bits of the badly damaged building fell to the ground.

Is the area safe now, all of it, how can it be when there is a huge, dangerous shell towering over the entire area?

I wanted to write this before reading the news of views and analysis A) because its really too soon to start analysing and B) because the horror of it is fixed in my mind and pushing their way forward are the horrible suspicions and questions.

I think the first questions many will be asking is how many are dead, how many are wounded and how many are in sheer paralyzing shock?

Then come the ugly questions:

1) Was it a terrorist attack

2) How long did it take the fire brigade to get there

3) Was it caused by cheap labour workmen

4) Was any delay in the actions of fire brigade caused by government cuts to emergency services

5) Has UK government welcome to millions of third world immigrants enabled the govt to lower emergency service funding and support to third world response

Serious questions and there are many more they must be answered quickly

I want to say and there is no way to say it properly my heart goes out to all those trapped in that appalling, horrifying tragedy.

And, may it not be Londons 9/11

02 June 2017

Paris Climate Agreement

Has been flushed down the toilet, round the U bend and into the sewer of fraudulent, nay impossible dreams.
Earth in her wonderful and very mysterious way is, or at any rate appears to be changing her climate. Maybe she's bored, maybe she thinks those nice, temperate climates the people of western countries have used, loved and abused for so long need a good kicking, maybe she thinks the seas and oceans need to be refilled and maybe she thinks those puny, nasty, downright wasteful humans of everywhere need the good kicking, or maybe the grand old lady earth just wants to loosen her corsets and get comfortable again.
Its not the first time the earth has changed its happened several times that even we puny, insignificant humans know of, but it maybe the first time one of earths species actually dared to think they could, should and damn well would stop her or at least slow her down.
How dare we?
We don't even know if climate change can or should be stopped. All we know is we fear it and are determined to at least slow it down. Its also possible some western politicians think climate change can be made useful, sure with the right warnings, threats and eventually laws all humans can be made to obey the new laws which will undoubtedly be needed to save the earths climate.
We don't know enough about earth and we don't have the right to make decisions about her climate. If we were the caring, sharing, lovable humans we tell each other we are we would spend our time and money building and reinforcing sea walls. We would make sure everything we build is fully insulated and storm proof and like Noah we would make sure all endangered species were moved to safe areas.
What we would not do is try to stop the earth our planet from doing what it has to do, we don't know if or what catastrophe might befall us all if we managed to stop something as natural as climate change and none of us has the right to claim anything we do or stop doing will stop climate change or even slow it down.
And, naturally there's politics...
Of course because those nasty white people found. discovered and invented almost everything and use a lot of their own inventions all the time they are guilty of being successful, arrogant and most importantly - white, and because of their success, their arrogance and their lack of colour they must be punished! To them goes the burden of higher taxes, lost jobs and of course - the blame...
President Trump has committed the sin of not believing humans could or should interfere with climate change. He is of the opinion politicians are using climate change as a stick to beat successful countries, why he understandably asks should Americans pay tax for climate change when countries like China and India with huge populations and what can only be described as 19th century attitudes to health and safety at work pay no such tax? Why indeed...
If western politicians want to save the planet they should start with being honest about why they want to tax western countries more than others, and while they're on the subject why they allow millions of people of different religions, customs and cultures to move to western countries, and yes it is about climate change both mass immigration and climate change have been dreamed up by the same people the question none of them want to answer is why?