A Self Portrait...

26 November 2014


One hundred people, possibly more, took it upon themselves to talk about her, laugh at her and decide among themselves if she could be allowed to join their select little seances.

They took illegal pictures of her and shared them, they stalked her home and at least one used a key he denied having to enter her home when he knew she was out.

If it went to court careers would be wrecked, some would face criminal charges, all would face claims for compensation.

Divided among one hundred any amount is diminished to a slap on the wrist. A token and easy enough fine for the most miserly among them to pay.

Staying in that house upsets her almost more than anything. Its impossible as is moving anywhere else in the vicinity. She didn't do that it was done to her. She still and possibly always will feel a sense of shock at what has happened. She wants her life back.

20 November 2014


Are harder than others. Today has been one of those days. In my life I've made so many mistakes from the silly over or underestimating of people to serious wasting of time and cash, not often on myself more on others. I get some money? Well the dog needed a new hip, someone needed a tooth capped another a trip to Australia, and what's money for if not to help out and those whilst not entirely real mistakes were expensive even foolish anyway they were not the worst.  I don't regret them exactly but I do wish I had been a bit slower to rush to assist.

Most of my mistakes no matter how traumatic at the time were unimportant easily dismissed and that's from me with the intensely annoying ability to remember every grimace, they were gifts if you like expressions of trust and affection, not under any circumstances to be confused with cruelty, theft or fraud.

It wasn't until I got to Ireland that I experienced the real cruelty of people. The pain and shock of that is something I face everyday. I see it everywhere and I'm so tired of the everlasting pain of it. I never experienced blatant, aggressive dislike, never knew that people could be so easily cruel for fun.

I ask myself now where are they, all the people who owe me in kindness, time and money, where indeed. I never thought I would feel so isolated, and to be honest until I came here I never was even when I finally lived alone friends were always within easy reach and family wasn't far away.

All that is still true but it doesn't feel true. I tell myself I should go to the doctor get some happy pills but that would be to create an illusion and I don't like the idea of that, it wouldn't be real it would be camouflage and one way and another I've had enough camouflage to last what's left of my lifetime.

Oh, its nothing today has been a bad day its a treadmill and I can't get off. Funny thing I know what I could do, what I should have done long ago, maybe all this anxiety is a sign I'm getting close to dealing with it. Always been the way with me with anything personal. Push it away, push it away until I've pushed myself into a corner.

I've three times told people off and that's not like me, except it is its the cornered me I think when I do get away I will want to be away from family too. Its that close and that bad.

17 November 2014


Its heavy
Not a burden
A weight

A worry
Not a problem
A fear


Open wound

13 November 2014

Roger that from Liar are Us

Some apparently living, well breathing anyway, people have apparently reached the conclusion that I may not join their academic, intellectual and august company. As I understand it a vote was taken. I’m sceptical on this because the numbers vary from a couple of psycho loons who may have escaped from somewhere with bars, to six or seven not quite right in the head almost celebrities to one hundred certifiable if not all criminal cunts.
You see I’m not afraid to use the words I despise those who do the deed then hide behind their middle class, middle aged vocabulary to conceal it.
There have been several invasions of my space by those whose only interest was self preservation and a curiosity more often associated with adolescent sexual exploration. Why would some middle aged idiot and his presumably much younger friend stand outside my garden pointing and laughing.
Why would a middle aged woman approach me in Tesco’s of all places and to admire my hair! and why would someone of the cheap out of a bottle red head run into a farm lane at the very sight of my approach. The unexpected couple from the north, they served a purpose but that in no way excuses or diminishes their invasion, and nor does the mouthful I gave yet another intruder the next day and besides his was a second visit!
Topping all that of course is the neighbour who used the key he swore he didn’t have to go into my house without my permission and obviously when he knew I was out, and who is also responsible for giving the curious directions so they could what, appreciate the view?
The first thing they all have in common is a voyeuristic and illegal interest in someone they apparently consider so far beneath them she has no feeling and if she does by some slim chance have any feelings she is not entitled.
There is a kind of not just class but slave master attitude here. A slave free or not  was thought to be so far down the human evolutionary and social scale that they were not considered capable of feelings so of course abusing them was not only not a crime for many it was an enjoyable and satisfying hobby and that is what it seems I have to some become.
Which brings me to she of the interminable angst. It never stops, oh it did announce that it was going to or at least take itself off to pastures not so much new as elsewhere, but that momentous decision didn’t last as much as a day, within hours it was back with yet another tale of emotional woe. This would be after it appeared near my house.
I mention this one perhaps more frequently than some of the others because it so obviously knew about the illegal photography I have been subjected to, it dared to pose for a picture fully dressed but with no make up on and had the gall to suggest it was on a par with what was done to me. The implication being that her mug shot cancelled out the criminal invasion I had suffered.
Sisterhood? Fuck off woman if you can’t tell the truth don’t you dare try to convince me everything is alright with a lie.
Pictures of me have been passed around like audeurves before a main course which leads me to believe that none of the people who have joined together to make my life hell for so long have any experience outside their own narcissistic selves.
I hold all the women who are involved in invading and hurting me in absolute total contempt, and added to that is another reason for my suspicions about her with the interminable angst. I don’t think she knows what she’s talking about. You see I was assaulted.
There I was doing my usual walk and most importantly and regrettably not paying attention to my surroundings or anyone anywhere near me. The first I knew I was being attacked was when two black hands reached from behind me, round my throat and down to my breasts. Luckily I was dressed for weather and the assailant didn’t get anywhere near them. This is partly because of the heavy coat but also because in those days you needed a magnifying glass and a map.
Its also because of where I was: on my side of the road was a wide open debris but directly opposite me was a row of tumble down waiting to be demolished houses. I think maybe my assailant thought all the houses were empty. To my everlasting relief and gratitude at least one of the houses was occupied. As I resisted attempts to cover my mouth I was also screaming blue murder, a front door opened my assailant took to his heels and I glanced across to my rescuer who stood in the doorway not moving or saying a word.
I was beyond conversation! I straightened my clothes, looked at my rescuer and moved on.
Don’t write reams about assault if you have no idea what it really is or if you really can’t put yourself in that place without sounding as though its part of English Lit, and no I didn’t report it to the police I didn’t see my attacker all I saw were two black hands, and I wanted to go home. I have never wanted to go home as much as I did that day and would it surprise anyone as much as I do now.
I didn’t tell my family I didn’t tell anyone and I never went near that street again. In all the years since the assault this is the first time I’ve even mentioned it. It left a scar do you see? You don’t peel the scab off a wound unless you want it to bleed and you don’t treat sexual assault as an English lesson. Nor if you’ve got any sense do you leap to the defence of the fucking indefensible.
Roger and Out.

09 November 2014


Or not. I don't want harm to befall anyone its not my way. The idea that someone is suffering and afraid upsets me.

I want reparation and apologies. I want to know that the perpetrators of the horrors of the last five years have learned their lesson, paid their debt and will never assault anyone in such a way again.

Changing the subject somewhat I believe in Witchcraft that doesn't mean I dance naked under a full or any other moon, nor does it mean that I must or will do anything other than be myself. The first and only real requirement to be a witch is that we be ourselves.

I have frequently said I don't believe curses should be chucked around like confetti at a wedding. A curse is a powerful and dangerous thing. It is magic and all magic is energy. No one would expect their car to run without petrol, no one should expect magic to work without energy.

A curse is in some ways the same as a spell we give some of ourselves to it, the energy of a spell or curse comes from us it is in a way the very essence of us and it is not confined to Witches or any other Pagan faith.

It is said that in Foxford Co Mayo in 1951 a priest was so disgusted by the antics of the winning GAA team that he raised his finger, pointed at the team and declared that Mayo would not win such a championship again until all the members of that particular team had died. No one knows the name of the priest or if the story is true or false but what we all know is that Mayo have not won the championship since the year the priest is said to have cursed the team.

When I was a child pointing was considered very rude none of us were allowed to point at anyone. Maybe its changed so many old courtesies have gone and no real harm done. Thing is in folklore pointing is a way of cursing. Lacking a wand a witch can point to the object of her ire and zap the offending thing or bastard.

You see you don't need an elaborate altar, fancy dress or cauldron they are merely for show. The essential thing all Witches must have for spells or curses is energy or as some would say magic. We are all energy and water. Ireland is practically drowning and its energy feels very low perhaps that's one of the reasons for its never ending malaise.

To me a spell is a wish and a deed, a curse though is very different. A curse is not a toy or a gun its the nuclear option. the fallout as raw and unexpected as the curse the old priest laid on Mayo and all the innocent people involved. Be careful what you wish for and remember first: Do No Harm.

08 November 2014


Whisper it softly
Day and night
Let its echo be heard
In left and right

It searches you out
You cower and run
Its hard on your heels
The fights almost done

You're caught its a trap
A voice whispers be still
Nothing will harm you
This is my will

Be well be adventurous
Be brave be strong
Its time for the healing
You're where you belong

Blessings if you pass this way may you always know good health and happiness, sure its the American dream...

07 November 2014

Not Immediately

 It had been a rather lovely morning I knew I had to go into town and so was ready in what for me was good time. Mind you preparation was not without incident, there I was in the shower when the gas man commeth, luckily he didn't see me, well he couldn't the tiny window in the bathroom is yet another example of piss poor do as they like Irish workmanship.

The gas man took himself off and I got dressed and left, there was but a short delay when Maggie escaped and I had to retrieve her, toss her inside with warnings of an early death if she ever did it again ringing in her ears. I doubt she paid much attention why should she this time when she never has before.

Aanyoldhow I walked into town, it was very pleasant, decent temperature, sun shining and enough of a breeze to make walking a pleasure.  Really I like the approach to town if I never get back to England there are two or three houses I could settle into with not much trouble at all and the neighbour from hell would only be visible if I happened to glance at the road as she or he drove into town. Its almost a good idea, except  I don't trust anyone or where here I want to return to England.

In town I made the usual quick trip to the hole in the wall and from there to the lottery ticket shop where I bought this weeks winner and nothing else because I suddenly remembered I have no more room in the freezer. I have nearly fresh vegetables from last week, I have what passes for the larder full of tins of this and that.

I wandered to my local grocers and gave them the bad news that I wouldn't be doing much shopping, they were not too fussed because I still needed cigarettes and sweets Jezzie and I have become fiends for chocolate so obviously I had to stock up on the essential chocs and cigs. Oh, and bird food, there are those who think birds should only be given food in the sepulchral gloom of the Irish mid winter and then there's me who thinks I will damn well feed the birds whenever I feel like it.

So there I was strolling along with a not as light as air shopping bag, you would be amazed at how heavy chocolate eclairs and bird food can feel, but not to worry I was enjoying the stroll, looking at nothing I hadn't seen before and comparing it badly to everything anywhere else, and it was then in the depths of dour satisfaction that the entire town could do with a paint job, that I noticed the sky had darkened considerably. It wasn't cold but from the look of it the usual Irish damp was about to become the usual Irish downpour.

I walked on, the rain fell but I didn't bother trying to keep out of the drenching, it looked like it was there for the day and after six years I am if utterly dissatisfied and contemptuous - acclimatized. It wasn't a bad walk and I managed not to tell myself off for yet again not bothering with a rain coat. Its rain you get wet why worry.

At home I locked all doors against the elements put the kettle on and settled down for a nice cup of tea and that's when I realised that whatever I have oodles of I have almost run out of tea. I'm past caring I have coffee and I didn't get the Chinese meal I was thinking about on my way in to town. I have milk, I have coffee, I have cat and dog food and thanks to the gasman the heating is on full blast. Its been quite a good day.