A Self Portrait...

20 March 2014

Herself & the Others

Herself has a poorly eye unlike my own poorly eye of recent days (more than a week and still here!) hers may have been leaking actual blood instead of merely being bloodshot, also she has been limping I don’t know why. I am paying close attention but I don’t want to take her to the vet or call him in. I have a very bad feeling that I know what he will say. I don’t want to hear it.
And she’s not so bad! she is eating well, going outside for short walks in the early spring sunshine and sleeping happily by her radiator, which is always left on, when she’s home. How is that a bad life?
In other news the pup currently renamed ‘Naughty Baby!’ is doing well so far three of my shoes have been stolen and vandalized. I do try to hide them and keep doors shut but the evidence suggests I am singularly unsuccessful I now have odd shoes. I consider myself lucky not to have matching odd socks I only just caught her at the laundry basket in time!
Jezzie is wonderful her patience is endless!  She plays with the little villain all the time. hardly ever snaps unless something she wants is threatened. Its a pity she didn’t want my shoes. She would be a great mum and I thank whatever gods there be that she is not. I doubt, seriously doubt, that I could cope.
My handsome Olly is indifferent to all of it he sleeps at my feet, runs in his garden and pays no attention to Naughty Baby! unless she tries to take something of his in which case an ominous growl is heard and Naughty Baby! no fool, does a runner.
Pippa and Trixie could care less about pups, I have noticed that they try to push herself out of the way this I will not allow but I am reminded of the law of the jungle I think in their opinion my beautiful old girl should be gone. Its not my opinion however and on this subject my opinion is law!

Pretty Baby Maggie

Pretty Baby Maggie
I may have made a small, infinitesimal mistake. If appearances are anything to go by my little baby Maggie may be more of a Peke than I originally thought perhaps she is the cousin of a Peke. Its the ears, eyes colouring, etc. etc. etc. she is beautiful and growing in confidence every day.
If I’m in it she now likes the garden especially if I’m feeding the birds it being a well known fact even to little baby almost Pekes that when big people feed the birds some food gets dropped on the ground and this little baby like all babies has an irresistible urge to taste things.
Maggie has this post all to herself today because at the moment her place in life is to be right at the tail end of the other five and I feel sorry for all the pushing and shoving she suffers from the others. Looking on the bright side it is only pushing and shoving so far neither teeth or claws are involved, apart that is from the nasty incident with Herself the first few days Maggie was here but that is all over now and its not all bad news Jezzie has discovered her maternal instinct. She never growls at Maggie, has been seen giving her an occasional  affectionate lick, sometimes she even joins in the little ones games.
Life has become a wonderful adventure for brave little Maggie, and, speaking of tails? hers rarely stops wagging…..


It has taken, what, five, six days? But maybe that’s not too long for a baby to discover she has a bit at the end she can wag. Her tail is up her voice is ferocious! and Maggie is learning to chase said tail in the time honoured way of all puppies.
Herself has reclaimed her radiator, discretion is not only the better part of valour its also warmer and anyway no one is more aware than she that nothing and no one takes anything of hers.
Jezzie and Olly far from acclimatizing to their new reality have taken to demanding whatever ‘she’ has including cuddles, they both jealously watch every move the baby makes paying particular attention to anything edible. Its interesting because now that there’s a Maggie in the house Jezzie and Olly have discovered they have no problem cuddling each other its her! they can’t stand.
Pippa is indifferent, totally. Trixie is inclined to indifference except when it comes to food, always her favourite subject, and not under any circumstances to be shared with anyone or pup.
And so we progress.  A frightened, shocked and possibly neglected pup begins to feel at home and all us old hands watch in varying degrees of amusement, amazement, anger and envy.
I want to move and can’t see the difference between five and six. I think they will be happy if we ever get to our new home. I need to be there I’m not safe or free here,