So what is my ‘unique value proposition’? Yes, I do have one but If I told you I’d have to get the lawyers involved.
How many people do have or regardless of talent, creativity and plain old fashioned hard work can produce their very own UVP? I would argue that most people don’t have a UVP and can’t create one that is even an endangered species let alone unique. Its about presentation is the correct if too easily understood phrase: are you a good salesperson? I am or I was when I was working. I’m out of practice perhaps its gone because being able to sell anything takes practice and continued use. If you stop or change career your sales technique, that’s what it is, can disappear.
All and there are thousands if not millions of these so called ‘self help’ books are trying to do is ‘self help’ the author and publisher the muggins who purchase the book come a very poor third and that’s not to say that some won’t be helped but that is not the primary object of any of the books, seminars or courses we may be persuaded to pay to take part in.
Some weeks ago I watched a video in varying shades of amusement, contempt and disbelief, the conversation, not necessarily the right word, was pointing out that not being published was not necessarily a bad thing, that having your work rejected was kind of normal, which it is. Of course I began, as we all do and are intended to do, to think of it from my own perspective. When had I offered or asked for anything of mine to be accepted anywhere. The one time someone offered me the opportunity to write something I declined in what I thought were no uncertain terms. Perhaps the meaning of that didn't sink in, some people need more than a subtle hint gift wrapped in a brick to get the message, for them a sledge-hammer across the back of the head is the only thing that might, just might, work.
Everything I do is either on my blogs here or held elsewhere. I don’t write to please anyone but me, I have not asked anyone to like, dislike or publish anything of mine beyond my own blogs.
The subject of blogs is interesting and brings me back to the old sales spiel, which in regard to blogging is that anyone can its all free unless you choose to upgrade to something more professional which presumably means you get more of whatever it is, I have no idea and I’m not interested in pursuing it. How could a free service available to everyone decide that someone is either not good enough, or what, some other misdemeanor or 'crime'? I don’t know or care but I do know a witch hunt when I’m the victim.
On another and often very long-winded blog, the wretched author seems to think he’s got to write War and Peace every day, there was actually a post about how sad he is to have to refuse someone. Really, who applied? No doubt the application form can be produced for verification purposes.
As far as I can tell no one applies to blog they simply take the opportunity available free to everyone to start their own blog and then get on with creating their own style, some may need help that’s for them to decide and request.
I’ve never attempted to upgrade although saying that I did consider it for one of my blogs, not because I wanted more visitors although I must admit in a way maybe I did or would tolerate them for that particular blog. The whole point would have been to highlight the main subject matter which is child abuse. I changed my mind for reasons I will go into in more depth another time, but suffice to say they were serious and have since been reconfirmed. I also discovered that the subject of child abuse is as much at the mercy of ambitious, callous people as any other subject. I found that depressing.
I think my problems began because I don’t pay lip service to lies and phrases like UVP irritate me, they are nothing more than ridiculous ‘college brat’ sales spiel, that they appear to be believed by a lot of people is another aspect that irritates me because it suggests there are an amazing number of very gullible people out there. I thank the Gods I’ve never met them which is not to say I haven't been gullible. My Gods have I ! But not about this or most subject the 'poor me' patter I fell for is another one for later .
Phrases like UVP assume everyone wants to be famous, we all want thousands of ‘hits’ and if we say we don’t we’re pretentious, lying cheats who won’t or are too thick to know how to play the ‘game’. People need to think very carefully about what that means, think what is involved particularly if their next step is parting with any cash.
Some bloggers appear to blog because they can’t get published, now there is nothing wrong with that, I happen to believe that the best books ever written have never been published because in every case in order to get published you have to get past self-important arty farty, college brat publishers. I wouldn't be surprised if blogging is becoming much the same but rather more surreptitiously.
To say that in the beginning I didn't understand is true to a degree but its inaccurate, its more accurate to say I didn't even know or care that such a thing as ambitious blogging existed, why would I? I’d been in Ireland for almost a year, realised that unemployment was not a temporary situation for a couple of months but would probably last right into retirement, before coming to Ireland as much as I used computers I never bothered with the internet. I literally had zero experience of the internet and blogging. Some might think that’s something to be ashamed of I think its still true for the vast majority of my generation.
When I began blogging I was writing my days, a kind of spastic, sporadic journal. Not a diary or even really a blog, just the occasional jotting down of thoughts on subjects that interested me. I think I was trying to find a writing style that didn't begin with Dear Mr or Ms and end in yours sincerely. I’ve maybe become stuck in a rather youthful some might say juvenile style but I don’t mind that I like it. Its a form of defence and its all that’s left of my anonymity.
My amateurism knew no bounds! I used to think that when commenting we shouldn't take up too much space on another blog so if there was a longish subject I would link to whatever I had already written on my own blog, and that really does show how naive I was. I didn’t think anyone would be interested I still don’t. If anyone shows up on my blog the last thing I think, the very last, is that they want to read what I’ve written.
As a complete newbie when the blurb said link to twitter I did, I’d been on twitter a few months but again why not? Its not as if I had many followers and none who I thought would run to my blog to read my little gems, that was obvious by my reaction when someone did. I was astonished and thrilled, too bad because I’ve since learned that the visitor would become a major cause of all the ensuing problems. I hope we never meet. I mean that.
I don’t even want a unique value proposition, why should I? Why should anyone. I’m supposed to want to increase visitors and followers but why? Because its what most people want? I’m not most people I don’t mean that as a criticism of anyone or their work its completely personal the result of both my character and events I will enlarge on elsewhere. I will only say that I sincerely hope that most people are completely lacking in my experiences.
I don’t want to be chasing a self publishing nightmare and that is what I fear a lot of bloggers seem to do. I can imagine the heartache they put themselves through as they spend money perhaps they can’t afford to publish their precious book and then torn between hope and fear watch every sale or far more likely the conspicuous and heart breaking lack of sales. To me its obvious I’m not that person I lack their courage.
To all those, however many or few there are, who think I’m just another typical would be famous author whining because of my own lack of success? You couldn't be more wrong. I write because I like to write, once it was lovely if someone read something of mine even if they didn't like it I thought it a compliment that they even bothered to visit the blog I still do but now until I know they mean no harm I’m anxious. My lack of interest in ‘professional’ blogging is visible in the way I return time and again to ‘play’ with everything I write. Do you not see? Its written for me.
Having said all that I’m probably one of the few who really do have a unique value proposition and not yet another variation on a theme. The good news is I’m inching closer to opening that big (I was stunned! Again) ugly can of wriggling worms it will as they say blow your mind…