A Self Portrait...

15 December 2014

If She Stops to Think About it

She’s almost certain, because he and his friends knew the situation was becoming impossible, that they thought all he needed to do was have a quiet word with his mates on St V de P and Bobs your uncle she’d be safely, painlessly and above all cheaply dumped in one of their dreadful hovels in town.

Problem if not solved then locked and he would even get added kudos from the kind way he helped her the strange English woman into ‘good’ accommodation, and maybe in time the house could be bought at a considerable discount and he would have the whole of the old farm.

How perfect is that? Out of sight, out of mind, a nice profit and best of all she would still be imprisoned close enough for them to know what she was doing at all times.

He and that creature he married are so respectable the town would believe anything he said, well they might not but this is Ireland no one would be interested in the truth particularly if it came from an English accent.

And so we've had the endless sick mind games from the guilty, those who so want to believe they've covered their tracks that they almost do believe it regardless of the facts and common sense.

She sits in the cold, miserable house fit for nothing more than demolition and what warms her is knowing that its her decision, as soon as she’s ready the whole thing blows wide open she’s almost reached the stage of looking forward to it.

The thing about psychological games is its hard to know what the result will be or when you've gone too far, taking pictures, going to and invading her home was far too far. It hurt her emotionally, psychologically and physically and why would anyone be surprised that was after all the intention. So well done now suffer the if everything is agreed really rather less than painful consequences

You think she's gaining anything? Think on this: she must have spent about fifty years looking forward to retiring to Ireland...Thanks again... 

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