A Self Portrait...

07 October 2014

Triggers Again

I honestly don't know what causes them is it the really stupid reference to and misunderstanding of previous posts of mine? That shouldn't be a problem its just another massive fail of theirs. Is it the casual reference to a shaky left hand? That I'm convinced is part of the physical manifestation of the harm they've inflicted. Or could it be something more mundane an apparently normal daily event?

Truth is I can't walk out of my front door without worrying about who may be watching and since this laptop is at risk if I'm even being watched in my own home. The reference to a shaky left hand was - odd. It could be any or all of the above I don't know what or when something will trigger a reaction and I don't know how to stop it when it starts.

The gang share everything that is obvious and provable the one in Seattle appears to have a position of some authority among them which frankly shows how bad the gangs judgement can be. Yesterday I was amused then angry, how big a database must there be when this my blogger blog has more than fifteen hundred posts, and the database is not about this one alone it must contain posts from the other blogs. In other words its huge and its all me and there somewhere on the side and disregarded at the rear is me.

I don't know what causes a trigger all I know is that when it happens there is nothing that can be done or that I've ever found that can stop it.

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