A Self Portrait...

07 November 2014

Not Immediately

 It had been a rather lovely morning I knew I had to go into town and so was ready in what for me was good time. Mind you preparation was not without incident, there I was in the shower when the gas man commeth, luckily he didn't see me, well he couldn't the tiny window in the bathroom is yet another example of piss poor do as they like Irish workmanship.

The gas man took himself off and I got dressed and left, there was but a short delay when Maggie escaped and I had to retrieve her, toss her inside with warnings of an early death if she ever did it again ringing in her ears. I doubt she paid much attention why should she this time when she never has before.

Aanyoldhow I walked into town, it was very pleasant, decent temperature, sun shining and enough of a breeze to make walking a pleasure.  Really I like the approach to town if I never get back to England there are two or three houses I could settle into with not much trouble at all and the neighbour from hell would only be visible if I happened to glance at the road as she or he drove into town. Its almost a good idea, except  I don't trust anyone or where here I want to return to England.

In town I made the usual quick trip to the hole in the wall and from there to the lottery ticket shop where I bought this weeks winner and nothing else because I suddenly remembered I have no more room in the freezer. I have nearly fresh vegetables from last week, I have what passes for the larder full of tins of this and that.

I wandered to my local grocers and gave them the bad news that I wouldn't be doing much shopping, they were not too fussed because I still needed cigarettes and sweets Jezzie and I have become fiends for chocolate so obviously I had to stock up on the essential chocs and cigs. Oh, and bird food, there are those who think birds should only be given food in the sepulchral gloom of the Irish mid winter and then there's me who thinks I will damn well feed the birds whenever I feel like it.

So there I was strolling along with a not as light as air shopping bag, you would be amazed at how heavy chocolate eclairs and bird food can feel, but not to worry I was enjoying the stroll, looking at nothing I hadn't seen before and comparing it badly to everything anywhere else, and it was then in the depths of dour satisfaction that the entire town could do with a paint job, that I noticed the sky had darkened considerably. It wasn't cold but from the look of it the usual Irish damp was about to become the usual Irish downpour.

I walked on, the rain fell but I didn't bother trying to keep out of the drenching, it looked like it was there for the day and after six years I am if utterly dissatisfied and contemptuous - acclimatized. It wasn't a bad walk and I managed not to tell myself off for yet again not bothering with a rain coat. Its rain you get wet why worry.

At home I locked all doors against the elements put the kettle on and settled down for a nice cup of tea and that's when I realised that whatever I have oodles of I have almost run out of tea. I'm past caring I have coffee and I didn't get the Chinese meal I was thinking about on my way in to town. I have milk, I have coffee, I have cat and dog food and thanks to the gasman the heating is on full blast. Its been quite a good day.

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