I have a thing with keys. I couldn't find the key it wasn't where it should be which was a) in the lock or b) in the egg bowl. I looked at the lock I looked at the egg bowl, several times. I moved every egg out and put every damn egg back. It wasn't there. Now I do know that I have had a slight problem with keys before but this time the problem was both less and more. I was in the house I wanted to go out, nay, I had to go out. I had opened the door from the kitchen into the garden it being a lovely day why not? Why not indeed. Now I wanted to lock the door and I couldn't find the damn key.
I prowled around the house looking for where I might have put the key if I had, somehow, forgotten to put it down when I opened the door. You know instead of putting it in the egg bowl I carried it into whichever room I went into next and for eg. absentmindedly dropped it down the toilet and flushed it away into the nightmare septic tank that lives at the back of the garden kind of opposite the ring forte no wonder the fae get pissed off.
Its nothing to do with me the septic tank has been there for decades and the ring forte for a thousand years or so and anyway its not like there isn't a hundred foot or more between them.
Aaanyoldhow I got bored with running aimlessly from room to room I went back into the kitchen calling upon every deity I could think of including st Anthony to help me find the blessed key. And there it was in the egg bowl. Trueforye.
I prowled around the house looking for where I might have put the key if I had, somehow, forgotten to put it down when I opened the door. You know instead of putting it in the egg bowl I carried it into whichever room I went into next and for eg. absentmindedly dropped it down the toilet and flushed it away into the nightmare septic tank that lives at the back of the garden kind of opposite the ring forte no wonder the fae get pissed off.
Its nothing to do with me the septic tank has been there for decades and the ring forte for a thousand years or so and anyway its not like there isn't a hundred foot or more between them.
Aaanyoldhow I got bored with running aimlessly from room to room I went back into the kitchen calling upon every deity I could think of including st Anthony to help me find the blessed key. And there it was in the egg bowl. Trueforye.
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