A Self Portrait...

04 November 2016

Its a Knack...

I didn't want to. Its not like I planned it. On the contrary I did in fact do my best to avoid the necessity. I placed the order and whilst doing so I couldn't fail to notice there was no Cats Club. None. To say I was peed off about that is to put it very mildly. Well! I could hardly watch them starve could I? I gave in. I girded my loins, took a big bag and went to town.

I was not, as they used to say, a happy bunny and the disenchantment grew...I could tell something was wrong as I strolled up the road, and yes it is up there is a definite incline not enough to call a hill but its there nevertheless, it never rains but it fucking hisses down.

It was a bank holiday, almost every shop, not that I like any of them, was shit shut. I snarled a bit but I knew Tesco would be open and that after all was where I was headed. I don't know how I manage to do it but I'm pretty sure I have an unbroken record for going into town to get shopping on the one day the shops are shut...

Shopping online is a real boon if not for it I would be a corpse by now but I do still get irritated. I mean I can't use 4 pints of milk, I'm not unwilling indeed I've tried but it just can't be done, the milk goes all peculiar before I get halfway down the massive bottle, so of course I always order 2 pint bottles. Not this time. Milk is milk I refuse to pay almost E50 cents more for a posh bottle when Tesco own brand is only E79 cents! So that was added to the list.

Not light weight do you see? I was only going to get six tins of Cat Club but I couldn't resist it I had to get 12 tins, and naturally I had to get some eclairs for the addict. Not by any means a lot of shopping but definitely heavy...I didn't consider a taxi A) I don't like three of the taxi drivers I know and B) I forgot to get cash back at the checkout. I told myself not to worry I could walk to the bank and get some cash there. I lied. I turned at the nearest shortcut and staggered onward.

You have no idea how heavy shopping can get in no more than a minute or two. I mean bearing in mind the wretched bag was heavy before I left the shop.

I struggled on and made it to the bench on what passes for a main road in Mayo and sat down to get my breath back and unstick my aching fingers from the handles of the bag.  And, that's when I got lucky! One of my nice neighbours, yes I do have some and I'm very grateful to them, stopped and gave me a lift home!

Right to my door! Once inside the world returned to its usual not quite alive but not yet dead condition, the addict had her fix, my legs stopped trembling, the almost life gradually flowed down to my finger tips and once in doors I made a cup of tea and spent a happy hour checking the houses for sale in Clacton and day dreaming which is I am here to tell you a hell of a lot better than real life in Mayo.

Did I mention Trixie has taken to using my laptop as a stepping stone to anywhere else? I don't blame her its not as though I like this one anymore. As soon as I get to Clacton its gone, gone into the bin if I have anything to do with it...

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