A Self Portrait...

08 November 2016

Manchurian Huma?

Today I was going to write a brief history of Huma Abedin problem is I became bored and I also couldn't fail to notice almost everyone has already written about her. Check her DOB and you will see on the very first page a long list of articles questioning her history and suitability to be Hillary Clinton main assistant. I can only read the same thing so many times before it occurs to me that A) most writers are better than me and B) I don't want to copy or search. I've grown into the habit of writing what I think straight off the top of my head. Its opinion I don't care if anyone reads it still less do I care if anyone agrees with it.

And, what did I want to say about Huma Abedin anyway? That she might be some sort of mole for half a dozen major Middle Eastern donors to Hillary Clinton campaign and to the Clinton Foundation? Everyone knows that so why bother.

What about she was a working mum who worked away from home a great deal and does that give Anthony Weiner an excuse for being such a stupid, arrogant and failed pervert? I don't think so.

What about for someone who was raised in a strict Muslim household with both parents convinced Islam empowers women, they must be certifiable, Huma Abedin has done an admirable job of throwing off the shackles of subservience and making a successful career. She has also thrown off the burka and all head coverings associated with Islam, none of which are required by Islam but all of which seem to be required by many Muslim men.

In many ways Huma Abedin is a remarkable and admirable example of independent woman throwing off the shackles of the dominant male without apparently wounding the dominant males feelings too much, although there is still the problem of Anthony and his little idiosyncrasies.

I honestly don't know about Huma Abedin but if she did or does have a file called 'Life Insurance' knowing the Clintons I think that is another example of forethought and wisdom.

Failing any incriminating evidence as yet undiscovered I admire her achievement and wish her well, and a speedy divorce Anthony Weiner was not a good choice... 

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