A Self Portrait...

07 November 2016

Hillary Clinton V Donald Trump

I'm not a natural Donald Trump supporter I would have preferred to support Bernie Sanders but I was sure right from the beginning that Hillary Clinton had the Democratic nomination stitched up and whatever Sanders did he would not win the nomination and guess what, its now proven Clinton and her DNC cohorts fiddled the Democrat nomination and she 'won'. Nice and possibly criminal fraud but with so many crimes to choose from where she is concerned who cares about rigging the Democrat nomination, right?

I do actually so from the start I watched Donald Trump. He's not a politician but he has always been interested in politics and for many years he has donated to both Democrat and Republican candidates and causes. In some instances it was probably because it made good business sense to be on the right side at the right time, but that doesn't negate his interest it heightens it. As far as I know his business interests have always been legal and his behaviour if sometimes reprehensible has always been within the law.

I like that Donald Trump speaks the language of the voter not the politician. I like that so far as I can see he has, in spite of two divorces maintained a strong, affectionate relationship with his children and I like that even though they were probably carefully selected the members of his business who have spoken for him appear to have done so easily and without sounding rehearsed.

So, I like much of what I've seen and learned about Donald Trump and as importantly I strongly dislike almost everything I've seen and learned about Hillary Clinton. I must admit I've been anti Clinton since good ole boy Bill did his best to disgrace the Oval office. I don't care how many blow jobs he gets but I do care when he thinks its fine to have one in the Oval office as long as no one finds out. He should have more respect for the office of the President of the United States but he didn't then and I doubt he's changed much.

I believe both Bill and Hillary Clinton adore their daughter Chelsea from some things I've read Hillary may not have had a maternal instinct until she gave birth to Chelsea but I don't believe there's a shred of doubt that she loved her from that moment. The open displays of affection are the most normal, endearing things about Bill and Hillary Clinton, but its not enough to camouflage their indifference to all the women Bill Clinton has abused or to the twelve year old victim of a rapist that in a truly appalling display of cruelty and ignorance to his victim Hillary Clinton got off with time served. Nothing can camouflage the fact the rapists victim was twelve year old child injured so badly she was in a coma for five days and could never have children and that Hillary Clinton knew he was guilty.

If I were able to vote in the election tomorrow I would vote for Donald Trump and give him the chance to clean out the cesspit that Washington has become. I hope he wins because if he is true to his word he will be very good for America

It occurs to me that this looks as though I've given no thought to the different careers and policies of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and that's misleading and wrong. I've looked long and hard at both but frankly I think concentrating on careers and policies gives Donald Trump an easy victory.

I don't believe Donald Trump is the wonderful human being being presented to us as. I believe much of his generosity is for PR purposes and his main attitude is My way or No way.

Hillary is an open and fascinating book. She is a career politician, utterly indifferent to everything except the very few people she cares about and corrupt beyond the entire western experience of corrupt politicians.

I therefore believe comparing the two careers and policies achieves little and would be too one sided in terms of practical achievement, better for me to concentrate on what we know of both families. Donald Trump appears close and loyal to his family and seems to be held in deep affection and respect he has other achievements but why go there they are very well known.

Hillary Clinton appears devoted to Bill and daughter Chelsea and as odd as it seems I don't doubt Bill Clinton is just as devoted to Hillary and Chelsea. Chelsea in spite of their reputations seems to regard both parents with an affection and respect that equals the Trump family.

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