A Self Portrait...

12 December 2013

Who Cares?

I follow some blogs that seem to delight in regurgitating old child abuse articles in newspapers.  To anyone who cares about the safety of children this sort of retrieval of old news is slightly worrying, bearing in mind that some perverts get off watching and reading  child porn,  often such people don’t consider that they’re doing any harm in  watching or reading about child abuse. In fact they are up to their arm pits in it because were it not for them there would be no need for the films and therefore no victims.
Okay so its not easy to know who is taking a strong and healthy interest in ensuring our children are properly protected and who is attempting to satisfy their perverted desires in what they might call a minimalist way.  Its not even possible to be sure who is an expert and who has gained and is using their expertise to allow them  to have access to vulnerable children.  These are two examples of  tiny pieces of the child abuse investigatory world and they are ones we should be very wary of and watchful for.   It seems clear that much of the experience we have has been corrupted by those with ulterior motives for their research and the results such experts publish reflect that.

There is another piece smaller but important and that is those victims of child abuse who grow up to become child abusers.  Its important to remember that its entirely possible that not all victims were abused, growing up in an atmosphere where abuse is common and not so much grudgingly tolerated as openly accepted within the environment is, must be, potentially very damaging.  Its not surprising for eg that so much abuse was allegedly committed by Christian Brothers many of the brothers would have grown up in similar atmospheres to them it must have appeared normal and so whilst in no way forgiving or mitigating it does allow for a certain understanding.
I’m furious that so many reports are apparently censored or worse unpublished, that investigations end with no charges being brought against any but minor characters when its obvious that in order for the crimes to be committed and hidden there must have been some very powerful characters pulling the strings.    I think its likely some people have been or are being persuaded that its been dealt with 'internally' no need for a huge fuss.  I don't believe anything has been dealt with' internally' for a very long time if ever and I don't believe many other people believe it either. Surely we need to campaign for full disclosure of the results of investigations undertaken anything less leaves an impression of cover up that may prevent victims from coming forward and so allow abusers to continue.
It appears to be happening again at the investigation into Savile at the BBC.  Its important I think that when an investigation takes place all evidence is placed before the public that’s why the investigation is taking place after all. No one should be able to decide who reads what if someone is cleared we should be able to read it. If someone is charged we should be able to read it and if someone in a very highly paid, much respected position has failed to live up to the standard the public require that too should be public. Investigations are not commissioned with one eye on the reputation of or innocent or guilt of people involved.  Innocence should be made clear through the evidence and the report when published should reflect that.
Its incredibly worrying that there appear to be so many people willing to allow such fudges, which in the worst cases amount to cover ups, to happen people whose job it is to look at child porn to find the adult responsible as in the recent Ian Watkins of Lost Profits case must be devastated when all the often sickening videos etc that they are forced to watch and report is dismissed or worse hidden from the public.  Some, apparently very few, stand up for the victims some have lost their jobs, entire and very successful careers have been destroyed, sacrificed if you will by those trying to expose paedophilia and protect all children.  Sadly, some the majority apparently, do as they are told and leave it when told.
I feel for those who have sacrificed their careers in their attempts to help the victims of abuse and I feel for those victims who have been so badly damaged that their evidence can be questioned and sometimes even ridiculed. There ought to be a better way; there isn't.
I think that is the most worrying aspect of all these investigations. 

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