And it wasn't just Donald Trump who won it was a clean sweep for Republicans and now Democrats are licking their wounds, screeching to a God they don't believe in and refusing to look the truth in the face.
The truth is Hillary Clinton is not the only reason Democrats lost here are some more but lets get Hillary out of the way first.
Reason Number One:
Hillary Clinton was and still is facing the possibility of serious criminal charges previous generations might have called some of those charges Treason and the Democrat Party nominated her as their candidate for President of the United States, but sure we live in civilised times chances are she will get off and anyway in these civilised times the only people who would be charged with Treason are probably low ranking members of the military and low grade civil servants. Many, many people didn't like it.
Reason Number Two
Americans are told it is un-American to be proud to be American and to want all visitors to America to enter legally. Wanting visitors to America to have full, genuine identification is racist, just as many Americans didn't like this.
Reason Number Three
Rape culture people are expected to believe that every man is desperate to get into a womans nickers Any Americans who disagree with this are obviously misogynists even if they're women. Many probably all Americans and most of the world have had to endure the sight of a girl, a college student stumbling around with a mattress on her back. At first some said she did it because she had been raped but when that was proven to be untrue it was said she did it to highlight the rape culture. Never mind that unfounded allegations of rape is very serious and can wreck the lives of those falsely accused. and again many Americans didn't like this.
Reason Number Four
Gender: Americans are told and woe betide them if they disagree that there are now hundreds of genders and women should allow men to use womens rest rooms if a man or men want to get in touch with their feminine side regardless of whether they look or act like women or not Never mind that allowing men to use womens rest rooms puts women and children in danger and at the very least causes embarrassment to young girls. How does that square with the need for 'safe spaces'? Its likely almost every parent and many young girls really dislike this.
Reason Number Five
Is more nebulous its homosexuality Americans are told they must accept homosexuality regardless of their own religious beliefs. Its not enough for Americans to treat homosexuals as equal and entitled to the same legal protections as anyone else they must believe homosexuals are entitled to more than mere equality, and for the record gender is NOT the same as homosexual.
Personally I think each of us is entitled to our own individuality and that's it. If we are entitled to our own individuality we are not entitled to impose our individuality on anyone else. We should do what 99% of people do which is get on with our own lives and let others do the same. If the organisers of a parade do not include homosexuals that's up to the organisers, besides most of us know what homosexuals on parade do, some will be leathered and mustachioed the rest will be in tasteful G strings. Its all been done, the likelihood of it changing a single mind is minus something and is probably completely counter to inclusion. Show trials about wedding cakes don't change minds they reinforce objections.
Reason Number Six
Everyone knows globalization only applies to America, the European Union which is NOT Europe, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. No other country is lectured on the irrelevance of their own nationality, In America, jobs are exported to low wages countries and Americans are told its good for them. Illegal immigrants are allowed to remain regardless of identification and criminal history. So called Sanctuary cities are proud to allow illegal immigrants to get jobs and housing at the expense of the long suffering legal population. and no one outside the politically correct liberal left believes or agrees with it
There are many more reasons
What happened at the last Presidential election is the people said NO, they said it very loudly too, maybe Hillary Clinton will end up with the majority of votes there is talk of a million more people voting for her than for Donald Trump but there is also talk of three million fraudulent votes and so it seems the less said about actual votes the better it is for the Democrats.
And that is why Democrats lost almost no independents or of course Republicans believe a word they say, they have wrecked their own credibility in the most arrogant, blatant display ever seen in an election.
Democrats must now look at their own behaviour, the behaviour of their more notorious supporters and donors and clean house. Do they even realise an unelected to all intents and purposes private individual which Hillary Clinton was and still is virtually owned the Democrat party and all its decision making processes, Look at the way Bernie Sanders was robbed of a fair fight, Why did Hillary Clinton have so much power and influence? And when they've worked that out they must make sure no one ever takes over an entire political party again, they've got four years I hope they make good use of them.
I must admit I've long had questions about the Electoral College but if you look at the voting map its easy to see why it was chosen, in a country as big as America with each state semi independent each state must be treated equally or the big cities would decide every election and no way is that democratic. So, if people want the United States of America to remain united they must allow each state to have an equal say.