A Self Portrait...

01 March 2015


No, not a bit. I simply don’t, can’t take that one seriously anymore. I don’t believe that he believes I think its why he drags a sack of charms everywhere and why he is so desperate not to leave any potential deity to rest in peace.
He is one of the most sexualised people I’ve ever heard of making it almost impossible to separate him from his perception of his sexuality. Something must have happened to shape his thinking not about gender variation or sexuality but his need to constantly project gender variation and sexuality onto everything. 
Looking at the young, maybe early teens him he’s average a bit underweight, like so many boys of that age he looks a bit wimpish but there is nothing that says he's different just that maybe he’s a little unhealthy, but look at him again this time in his twenties or early thirties and the picture is very different. He’s strong, well built and from looking at the pictures anyway: very healthy.
So what changed? My guess is he was quite an adventurous lad and that at a time when it may have been dangerous. In fact its still dangerous if you’re going to indulge be prepared and be fussy. Hmm. He has problems but Motor Neurone Disease isn't one of them or I don’t think it is. Telling the truth is a serious problem he has and perhaps it extends even to what he tells himself.
He is also a great band wagon jumper. Oh my goodness if any group of people appear to him to be treated less equally than another there he is with his placards and his indignation writ large, and that’s fine perhaps even admirable but it can be spread too far and too thin and that’s what he does. It becomes less than believable or respectful: give the beggar a quid or a house but don’t give him your condescension.
He has problems and they do concern me but he is such a liar its impossible to be sure what his problems are unless its to say his main problem is he lies. I wouldn't trust him an inch and I wouldn't recommend that anyone else do so either.

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