A Self Portrait...

15 March 2015


I have no clue. Is it a legal thing? Oh yes I think it is. Does it matter?  Yes it does and in more ways than one. Its possible there are hundreds of lawyers who write, doodle and hold politicians up to ridicule in hundreds of different ways, what possible objection could there be particularly when so many politicians are also lawyers.

Do they need to say the law is their business? No, no more than I need to say if I work or what I do. Is there a grey area? No, not at first sight but I think there could be and this is me being that rare bird: an honest one.

I'm sick of feeling sick I want this thing to end relatively amicably but end regardless. I worry about entrapment why do I need a telephone number when they've already got mine? Of course its probably me I know any call would be recorded and that's alright I would be doing the same but I'm not a lawyer and I've had enough traps.

I want it to be amicable so I can run to a new home in an old country and relax, grow old with my pets, get my hair cut and coloured white or platinum or silver, where I can decorate the house without the floor boards moving under me and where as hard as it is it is still possible to get builders and decorators who don't threaten to kill you.

I want to go home to peace and quiet. My family are saying put a deadline on it but come home and I will preferably peacefully but that's becoming irrelevant. 

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