A Self Portrait...

01 August 2016

Mr and Mrs Khan

Spoke at the recent Democratic National Convention they told us of their son who was a Captain in the American Army and who died in Iraq. No doubt at all that young Mr Khan he was twenty seven was a brave soldier working and prepared to die for his country.
Does that mean his parents are? Like all bereaved parents Mr and Mrs Khan grieve for their son and like the vast majority of us they search for someone to blame. Mrs and Mrs Khan appear to have selected Donald Trump to take the brunt of their anger, but why is that? Donald Trump didn't cause the Iraq war he didn't even agree with it. If Donald Trump had his way it would never have happened. So why him?
The reason appears to be that Mr Trump would stop the open borders policy which with its inevitable consequence of unlimited access to every thug and murderer who goes to the American border has caused serious injury and death to many Americans, who Mr and Mrs Khan should note have  families who also grieve for the loss of children, parents and siblings.
Mr and Mrs Khan's greatest anger is not reserved for the killers of their son or the people who caused and maintained the war in Iraq instead and most peculiarly its centred on the man who would close all dangerous borders and make sure all visitors and immigrants to America would have legal passports, no criminal record and no connection to terrorist organisations. How can that be wrong and how can Mr and Mrs Khan object?
The reason is Mr and Mrs Khan object to Muslims being denied entrance to America while a new system of identity checks is introduced. Mr and Mrs Khan think its racist to prevent Muslims entering America even though Muslims are every nationality and almost every terrorist attack is carried out by Muslims and even though there have been terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims in America and even though the families of their victims grieve every bit as much as Mr and Mrs Khan.
I feel for Mr and Mrs Khan just as much as I feel for every victim of terrorist attacks. I am sure Mr and Mrs Khan's son was an American patriot but does that mean I think his parents are? Because I don't I think in spite of Mr Khan's declaration Mr and Mrs Khan are Muslim first because if they were American first they would recognise the need for border controls that work.
And that's all Donald Trump wants: real border controls that actually control who enters America. Mr and Mrs Khan need to think about that.
I didn't mention the Muslim Brotherhood which in my opinion is a terrorist organisation.

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