Or since the link to Inc.5000 seems to be broken try this one

Gawker Media recently lost an important court case, important to them because they lost and it bankrupted them. Important to blogging because blogging is where Mr Denton began what became Gawker.
Show business celebrity Hulk Hogan sued Gawker when they published a film of him that had been taken illegally.

You would think even the average half wit would know better than to be in any way involved with such criminally invasive behaviour. You would be wrong.
I happen to know some bloggers, note how blogger is becoming a dirty word, who have been involved with at least one other case of illegal filming, sharing the film with at a minimum an initial audience of their own ‘community’ and from there? Who knows. One problem is if they did such a terrible thing once the odds are they've done it several times.
Bloggers do love their ‘community’ to such an extent they seem to believe anyone should be honoured to join them and that joining them cancels out any teensy little criminal activity like hacking and illegal filming they may have been involved in.
It doesn’t. If you think about it the very idea is extraordinary: there are apparently some people who believe they can invade a persons privacy, make a film illegally, share it with what in reality are their accomplices and then by offering an invitation extended grudgingly, and of course to avoid incriminating themselves further anonymously, cancel out any and all crimes they may have committed against their victim, and from there its easy to see where Mr Denton’s ideas may have originated. How unfortunate for Mr Denton that as a result of such extraordinary arrogance both he and Gawker have had to file for bankruptcy.
A moments rational thought would tell anyone that the victim/s of such depravity would be very unlikely to want to join in, they might be the kind of rational, sensitive person who would reject the very idea of illegally filming anyone.
I’m not happy that Mr Denton is bankrupt I’d prefer it if he was sent to prison. He has an English accent but his business, if it can be called that, appears to have filed for bankruptcy in America which is where he gets lucky because the UK is quite strict about bankruptcy and Ireland which for example is where I’m based is even worse. In America Mr Denton will probably be able to start a new business or career quite easily and quickly, there’s probably loads of vacancies for washing up, road sweeping, grave digging, the list is endless and criminal bloggers can apply for all of them.
I don’t know about Hulk Hogan one hundred million dollars compensation may make him feel quite forgiving. I do know that in my own case money has little to do with it. Safety, security, equality and acknowledgement of wrong doing are what matters.
It maybe many bloggers are essentially lonely people, they maybe isolated from the mixture of company that most of us are surrounded by from starting school through to the end of our working years. It maybe they compensate for their isolation by forming some sort of lop sided friendships with people they hardly if ever meet, have conversations that will hardly if ever touch on real lives. Whatever the reason some seem to develop another reality, or could it be they lose all contact with reality? I don't know and it makes no difference.
To be clear no one involved in the filming or viewing of any illegally obtained film of me is or will ever be a friend of mine. I’m easy going and very forgiving as I have previously shown but illegal filming is a premeditated criminal act and so is sharing the film. No friend of mine would do that.
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