A Self Portrait...

17 August 2016

Ghost in the Works

I’se got blisters. I’se got blisters on me blisters and I’ve got the right ump and before anyone sneers they’re not on ‘eels or toes. Nah, that would be too easy these blisters are on the souls of me feet.
The cause of the blisters is a walk to town wearing the wrong shoes, those would be the shoes currently awaiting a short trip to the bin which will happen when the rubbish bag is full & me blisters have gorn.
In the meantime and to while away an hour or less I want to write about ghosts in the works.
I’ve been re reading books by Terry Pratchett and you have no idea how much it has irritated me.
I happen to know because I have read all the Disk World books that Terry Pratchett did not always obey the rules of grammar and punctuation, he had the courage to do his own thing So funnily enough did George Bernard Shaw who never allowed an apostrophe to cross the threshold of his literary efforts. He said the poor apostrophe was ‘uncouth bacilli’ and who am I to even check the meaning of ‘bacilli’ although I have got uncouth down to a fine art.
The thing is unlike the great writers ghostwriters never forget grammar and punctuation indeed most of them would probably be unemployed if not for rigid education insistence that English be written in a manner that keeps them employed.
I’ve no idea if Terry Pratchett had ever heard of Pippakin I really doubt it and  I do like to think he hadn’t.
I don’t think there is any doubt that Terry Pratchett had ghost writer/s and whoever they were maybe male but they write female and I really don’t like that, they as ghost writers should be able to keep their narration completely asexual and in my opinion they failed. I don’t like what they did to Terry Pratchett Disk World series some might say its better than nothing I disagree, they should have followed Terry Pratchett instinct not their own, and I don’t like that they may have taken the opportunity to put the boot into someone they dislike, they are become a ghost in the works…

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