In this picture its easy to see why I hate boxing. It should be banned but that’s not my reason for using the picture today.
Today is about reach and of course all boxers need to reach, in addition boxers need to be able to reach their target at full speed and strength. No good reaching the opposing head if all you’ve got is the brute force of a butterfly and if anyone thinks punches to the head don’t cause brain damage look at the guy in reds face.
But that’s not what drew my attention to the Daily Post today. Oh no. Today is about education, mine specifically but extending to any clever clogs who think they know about reach. Reach is what we all do almost unthinkingly, we take a pot from a high shelf and automatically we’re on tip toe to reach. We don’t think about or even notice but we all do it and it never fails. Until now.
If most people think arthritic hips are all about walking or running think again. Hips are about kneeling, bending and reaching. I now have almost reached the stage of having to do the splits just to pick up the dogs dish, and it hurts.
It hurts in several ways sheer pain is the obvious one but I’m not sure its the most important I’ve a feeling that in my own case and I’m sure I’m not unusual its a sense of shame and disbelief. Of course I can reach the bloody dogs dish I’ve been doing it since I could walk! But the day is coming when I will have to lean on something sturdy in order to bend down far enough to reach the dogs dish, and if anyone thinks the walls of this house are sturdy enough to lean on…
Reach for the stars why don’t you. I’ll catch up with you when I’ve reached the dogs dish…
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