If there were a real Fountain of Youth, would you drink the water?
Sure wouldn’t we all love a glass of whatever it is in the fountain of youth.
Or would we?
Its not the flight or the trek up the goat track to the top of the mountain in Tibet although getting me up anything higher than a curb would be interesting and probably involve heavy goods vehicles.
No, its not the trek and its not the thought of getting back down again I mean who knows if all our bits stay put if we fall down the goat track or off the edge One can’t be certain about these things, a limb might hang in lively and lonely limbo for centuries.
No its not the though of being minus a bit although I definitely wouldn’t want to lose a foot or a leg, fat lot of good living forever would be if you end up minus an arm, or worse paraplegic.
No, its not the thought of having to move every thirty or forty years, minimum, which one would have to do to make sure there are no jealous neighbours to take a few litres of the fountain of youth out of your neck or worse.
No, the reason I wouldn’t take a glass of the fountain of youth is family and friends there is no way I ever want to outlive all of my family, all of my friends. Its no good saying there would always be more there wouldn’t not of my generation, not with my memories.
Only think if you could continue to have children you would have to watch all of them die or do a runner when they reached thirty or so. If not they might find out or get suspicious Is there enough of the fountain of youth to go round? You know in perpetuity?
No, I’ve seen enough of the madness, meanness and duplicity of people if I can’t be with the people I know, love and trust I don’t want to be.
Source of Picture: http://missoulian.com/news/state-and-regional/fwp-finds-fewer-mountain-goats-in-bitterroot-canyons/article_f6204775-4aad-5c50-bbbc-f97ad6a44c9a.html
Whilst searching for this picture I couldn’t help but notice the number of pictures there are of people with dead goats apparently a perfectly harmless goat is some sort of desirable hunting trophy, there are savages among us and they’re all on two feet.