A Self Portrait...

07 July 2015

Unwell Update - Improving

I think I should do this one not because there is anything interesting to report but because it kind of rounds things up.
Being in hospital deceives the body. In hospital I felt almost fine. I was worried about my cats and dogs and desperate to get home. I was convinced I would go home and slip right into my old routine.
Nothing like that happened! I slipped right into bed I got up after a couple of hours sleep made some tea watched the laptop and after an hour or so again went back to bed. I worked out I was spending two hours in bed for every one hour I was up and that lasted most of last week.
I’m astonished and frustrated at how weak I was and how weak I still am, but I am much better I can now stay up admittedly not doing very much for as long as three or four hours at a time. I don’t expect my next trip to town to be as exhausting as the last one was but sure that was the day after I got home and I was shattered. I’m almost looking forward to going to Castlebar soon or I would be if I wasn’t going for another test at the hospital. I’m nervous of the test its actually some sort of scan. It worries me. I mean why?
Being so weak is alien to me For most of my working life I did two jobs I was always rushing and although that stopped when I came here, its almost impossible to find one job never mind two and anyway I didn’t find a job. I was always the same person but not anymore. Now I need to stop and think about how to do things so that I won’t get stuck half way through.
Its not tired although I get tired easily its physical weakness the inability to do things I’ve always done. I don’t know how long it will last but I do know I’m improving and that’s what matters right?
I think it may help if I explain one or two of the little problems caused by ignoring septicemia for more than three weeks: Doctors thought I had had a small stroke tests later proved I had apparently had two. I’m told these were caused by heart problems and the heart problems were caused, you guessed it, by the appalling and really dangerous septicemia.
Thankfully there are no outward signs of such serious problems but I do now have to take tablets for the rest of my life one is for diabetes which I’m told may have been the cause of the original septicemia, and the other is to try and prevent another stroke.
Imagine my joy.

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