A Self Portrait...

11 July 2015

Specialist What?

Years ago pervert, pederast and paedophile Leon Brittan was shunted off to Europe He was to be a commissioner of something or other. The move was touted as a great opportunity a kind of promotion, but not to me I didn’t believe it nor I’m certain did many others who had heard the rumours and watched him wriggle.
He was caught. I thought at the time that the cabinet must have come to the conclusion he was too hot to hold so he was being booted out of the cabinet, the British parliament and the UK. He was sent off to extremely well paid anonymity in Europe and he did indeed fester there for some years. The Gods alone know what he did in his spare time while he was there.
The main stream media (MSM) had lost interest in him at a time when they should have been most alert to his crimes and that too was my first inkling that the MSM was not so much independent as obedient as long as it was in their own interest. The hue and cry died down and the paedophile and pederasts of the Westminster elite continued raping children as though they had never been interrupted.
Now much of it has been forced into the public arena again, the government has been forced to announce a historical inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse. I think its true to say that many of us believe the inquiry has been nobbled from the start but it and its new chairperson deserve a chance to prove us wrong.
This latest furore is the successful result of five or six years effort by the alternative media who have led a sustained attack including persuading some victims to speak out. It has been a fantastic and at long last successful effort loaded with facts and now almost anything that comes out of the inquiry that is biased or in any way prejudiced can be immediately countered by the facts. The important thing is to keep up with the inquiry and thoroughly examine any and all evidence produced.
Inevitably the study, which is what for some it has become, of child sexual abuse is both harrowing and frightening we allowed it. We effectively stood by while blatant lies were told both in court and in parliament there is now no hiding place but what that means is those who study and observe CSA are wounded by it.
How do we deal with those wounds? Do we run to so called specialists or do we figure it out for ourselves as indeed most of the victims have had to do while we the selfishly ignorant public refused to acknowledge what we didn’t want to see?
I am to say the least sceptical of so called counselors if they get on the right gravy train its a nice little earner and think of the implications of that counselors need victims of abuse to be victims or they don’t get paid its as simple as that, they also need to ‘cure’ the victims and how the hell they do that is anyones guess.
Researching, studying, listening to victims is difficult but I don’t believe its made easier by going to a counselor. No counselor can change what happened nor can they offer anything more than acceptance of the past and move on to the future, but none of us can leave our past behind if there is no resolution no justice particularly those who have been so wounded by the actions of paedophiles and pederasts.
There is a place for counseling of course there is but arguably if you need to get counseling because you’re so traumatised by what others were forced to endure? You need to find a hobby that doesn’t include real life horror and real victims
I’m probably in a minority of one on this subject and frankly I don’t give a fuck If one child endured physical and emotional horrors I as an adult can damn well listen and be fully supportive without needing to run for help to get me through the pain someone else suffered. and I don’t lack imagination I would simply be as I am determined to speak out at every opportunity. Many dislike my attitude Hey they disliked it from the start. I aint going nowhere: Get used to it.

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