A Self Portrait...

04 July 2015


Are not people I refer to or speak of often its probably because I don’t trust or even like the sound of those I’ve heard about. To me they all have vested interests and one of them is to keep the money rolling in. To do that most counselors need funding and that comes from government or local authority sometimes both.
Some years ago there was a huge debate about child abuse I began to comment and really and truthfully as far as I can tell it was during and after that debate that most counselors became child abuse experts. It became and still is very trendy to be a child abuse expert.
In most cases counselors like probation officers and social workers are the most politically correct narcissists you will find anywhere they are all full of their own expertise, dismissive even contemptuous of anyone who hasn’t got the required degree, if you think about that its another vested interest. The job is not about change its about acceptance and the so called and so loved moving on.
I have grown to be contemptuous of counselors.

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