A Self Portrait...

18 April 2015

My Feet!

Are killing me, that’s it. My feet would be my entire world of pain were it not for the mitigating circumstances of my aching back and wonky hips. Standing upright is a problem, bending is something other people do.
Phew! I had to go to town. I put if off for most of the week but sometimes need really does must and so it was today. It has been a very pleasant day and I was dressed appropriately and the bloody shoes are flip flops. I live in fucking flip flops so what went wrong today I haven’t a clue.
I’m not happy, the walk into town was not exactly arduous but it felt long and dreary even sunshine made no difference to the general look and feel of drear. Anyway because I had as usual left it late I had to go to the bank first it was half past three I was still in the queue at four o’clock. This is because there is only one cash service counter in the bank. Yes its disgraceful piss poor service but the big mouthed big headed Irish people go all meek and subservient whenever anything remotely resembling authority turns up.
Anyway what the walk and the queue meant is that my back was giving me hell and my right hip decided to join the fray. I’m crippled I tell ye!
I walked home the feet began to really nag at me to stop but it was a nice day, I’ve worn the shoes half a dozen times and there’s no excuse for getting a cab if the walk is fine. It wasn’t fine.
I’m not in a good mood chances are those bits of me that are not aching now will be by tomorrow.
Oh and if anyone is stupid enough to think the Irish health service is anything as good as the British they should move over and find out. Its the reason people anywhere near the border claim a British address. Cretin…

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