I woulda been bright eyed and bushy tailed but I yawned instead
And I forgot, no I didn’t really forget I seem to have lost a day I thought it was Thursday anyway its OK I’m making up for it by not being able to forget about it now.
The good news is it means I didn’t get any extra chocolate the bad news is it means I didn’t get any extra chocolate I will have to order some or something.
In an effort to help Jezzie come off her addiction to eclairs I bought some of those doggy treat thingies, needn’t have bothered she doesn’t like them. Its funny watching the baby she knows something’s on offer but before she accepts she sniffs Jezzies mouth to make sure she gets the right treat if it doesn’t smell the same she won’t take it instead she drives me nuts until she gets the same as Jezzie. Half starved dogs indeed!
I had a quick look at the bird food containers and I think they’re good for today I don’t wanta go out there and get ankle deep in mud so they better be good for today.
I’m debating all the things I could say about the blog posts I’ve read but I don’t think I’ll bother they were that bad.
Some sortofa nuclear deal has been agreed between the USA and Iran. Israel is said to be upset. Thing is I’m not sure I believe any of it, I’ve a feeling Israel is in full agreement with the US and is playing to its own gallery. North Korea and Pakistan have nuclear weapons so does India its no longer possible to keep nuclear weapons exclusively for ‘trusted’ nations and I think everyone knows that or should.
I hope everyone, well everyone I like, has a good Easter the rest of ye can fuck off and pay your debts
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