A Self Portrait...

04 October 2013

Natural Born Witches?

I wrote this as an answer to someone on pagan discussion board.  It's what I and in a way what I hope all practitioners of the craft believe.  I brought it here, as poor as it is, because I like it.
I don't know if you're a natural born witch or not how could I?   All I can tell from this post is that you've not given a shred of evidence.  There was a time when I thought it best not to tell someone if I doubted their veracity.  Why if they didn't hurt me would I attempt to hurt them?
I have since learned that not saying something can be judged as much as anything we do say.  I can't tell if you're a natural born witch but I hope you are because its obviously a huge part of your faith in yourself and we all need to have faith in ourselves.   
What none of us should do is judge others and find them lacking if either they are not or can't prove that they are naturals, that is just a form of class or caste system.   No witch needs or should have to become expert on mythology to be a witch; its not called mythology for nothing. 
Belief in the ancient Gods and Goddesses is not proof of being a witch nor is being Wiccan or being Satanist. I have in the past read umpteen books about witchcraft and various different faiths but though they may have been part of my learning process they were not the core of it.
Obviously I do still read about the craft and what I suppose must be called polytheism but now I'm more likely to be selective choosing to research something I may have heard or read either in a book or online further, not to prove or disprove any point but out of interest and in order to gain understanding.  Imo no witch should ever claim to be an expert on the craft we are all always learning.  
I might decide to cast a spell for something and decide I actually don't like the ritual I've worked out for myself in which case I might check my books and online to see if there is something that suits me better.  If its available and a witch likes it I see no reason why s/he shouldn't make use of it and if something is made public the author/owner of the spell is making it available and therefore can have no objection.
Since it appears to mean a lot to you I hope you are a natural born witch.  It doesn't mean much to me personally I accept us all and providing there is no harm to me take a very relaxed attitude to the beliefs of others or how they came to the craft.

I should add that if there is one faith I do have a problem with its Satanism its a construct of Christianity the upside down cross etc based on Christian beliefs.   I suppose its not really a problem the beliefs of others are nothing to do with me, but I am sceptical of Satanism or rather I instinctively distrust and dislike it.   No obvious reason but does there need to be, hmm?


Another thought of mine, actually a response to some silly little upstart on another discussion site:
DeleteDeleteAccountants, are the rest of ye lawyers by any chance?  What you're saying is that some parents teach their children to add up which leads us naturally to the fact that some parents teach their children to be witches.
Its all possible.  I disagree with you about spell casting to cast a spell accurately and powerfully requires a lot of concentration, learning and practice.  I don't want to cast a spell for something and find out my family, the neighbours and the cats pajamas have got it too. I hope you are a good accountant.
I find it irritating that some of us are so dismissive of the genuinely held beliefs of others, what they're actually saying is:  "You can believe anything you want but if you believe X you're nuts and not too clever either".   Who gave them or anyone the right to judge?  Harm none is part of the Wiccan rede there is nothing wrong with it, all it does is tells us all to be pacifist in all our dealings.  I don't consider myself bound by it but nor do I consider it harmful or dictatorial, basically it pretty much mirrors my own attitude so I even at times quite like it and certainly have no problem quoting it as one of my own beliefs if I think the occasion merits it.

This idea of natural born witches does interest me and yes I do think its possible, I believe we all have magic in us, being a witch is more than magic and takes a long time to learn or understand, or at least that is my opinion, others may and some definitely do, disagree.  

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