A Self Portrait...

05 February 2016

Stranger than Fiction?

Unfucking believable - unless you have proof.

So, three of them are Dan, Dick and good oul Eamonn, ever ready to plagiarize and when not doing that take the piss out of someone they hate for her politics, an honesty they can't begin to understand and an indifference to gang or creed, they don't understand it and so they call her stupid mainly because she's not so honest she won't bend the rules but she was and still is more honest than letting people be hurt.

She might have taken part or at least have done nothing to prevent the Northern Bank Robbery but she'd have challenged the world to prevent one wound on anyone.

Wow, they must have been shocked when she defended one of their leaders, but maybe not it wasn't the first time she went to the rescue and pointed out the rarely mentioned, apparently hardly known but still, if they'd taken the trouble to look which they didn't, glaringly obvious.

All done in perfect confidence you understand because they think they're 'safe' now. Note the use of apostrophe it means they're not and at this particular time they've never been more at risk.

I am absolutely fucking furious, they didn't get permission for the vicious little 'game' they've been playing that I'm sure of because if their leaders aren't brighter than that they're not leaders they're clowns.

Why all the hangers on? Is it possible the almost entirely Irish supporters felt a frisson of anticipation? The scent of blood in the air? Of course it is this is Ireland.

You bunch of worthless, brainless hangers on have endangered something before the latest one has even begun and I have to decide if its fair to go for the jugular now or would that have the potential to hurt a lot, and I mean a lot, of innocent people who believe in and work for a cause.

True its not a cause I believe in but neither for eg is Fianna Gael and I wouldn't hurt them or just for the sake of self satisfaction be part of anything that would.

You fucking worthless shower of gobshites have not got the first inkling of a clue and I'm trapped am I?

And what makes me even more furious is that I'm thinking of all the people doing actual work right now un involved in any criminal activity and undeserving of calamity.

You. Cunts. Always hiding behind better people than yourselves.

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