@pippakin tell you what, just unfollow me you wittering complaining clown
He has been what he probably likes to think of as an observer of attacks on me for about six years. He has never done the least thing to prevent or intervene to stop the attacks.
It maybe that he is Muslim his behaviour is not a recommendation to any Mosque.
I've had enough of him not only does he not look like his picture which would be bad enough he looks a great deal worse. Wuss is the word that springs to mind
I don't follow the disREPutable fool because I take the least interest in comics and my only interest in Islam is to see it banned.
My response is below
@RepStones No 'mate' Im a victim one of yours & I take strong exception to your holier than thou attitude Now fuck off Block if you want
He didn't block me after a couple of hours he un followed me. I have no idea why he took so long he surely can't imagine I cared.
I can't stand him and its about time he and his associates understood I'm not sympathizing or empathizing with any of them. I'd name him but I want the organ grinder. I leave it to you dear reader...to decide if its he she or it...
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