A Self Portrait...

28 February 2016

Home Sweet Home

Is not here. Oh, no, no, no. Preferably its somewhere in Essex England, or if there is absolutely nowhere else it could be in Portaferry, Ballyhalbert, Portavogie or even Dalkey and there is, its still for sale, a rather nice little bungalow in Park Road. And Eamonn, he's so helpful...Reminded me of Sligo, which when I think of what he usually reminds me of is really a very unusual improvement I can't imagine what came over him.

But that's not what I want to talk about at the moment. I mean I can talk about Eamonn anytime its not like he or I are going anywhere. Yet.

No, can't be arsed with him at the minute or with the poor, almost sensitive republican I actually took pity on a few years ago. He would be the one who specifically asked did I believe Jean McConville had been tortured. The truth is if being dragged away from your crying children, forced into a car, driven who knows where and with no idea of what's happening to the children or who's looking after them, no one was, isn't torture what is it? 

Of course the republican meant racks, thumbscrews, fists and so on, and no I didn't remind him of the many and varied ways there are to torture people I'm sure he knows. I felt sorry for him because he seemed to need to believe and as everyone knows I am the very last person to burst bubbles. But enough of that! Its not the IRA or threats I want to talk about today their time will come.

Its about my kitchen sink it gets on my nerves, well I say kitchen but really its just a scullery with totally undeserving airs and graces. Whatever else in the way of housework I don't do anymore and there's a lot, I rarely leave dirty crockery in the sink for long, not because I think its unsightly, in this house it could be an improvement, no the reason is very simply if I leave stuff in the sink the sink gets blocked. It doesn't seem to be able to take the weight of anything more than a cup  or two at most. I miss my dishwasher.

I hate this house and that is all I want to say - for now

15 February 2016

Little Fiend!

She's been at it for weeks, even longer. She climbs up, scratches my back, gets behind me makes herself comfortable and takes up all the room leaving me hanging off the edge of the damn chair. Not just once a day and tell her to go and she's gone sort of thing. This is all day every day and her claws hurt.

She is Pippakin and we appear to be having some sort of territorial dispute.

Today, owing to lack of cigarettes and lighters that seem to decide when they will or won't work I gave in. I moved all the furniture, well a lot of it, I rearranged plugs and I've yet to discover if I've done the sound thing properly and before the dust has even settled, what happens?

She doesn't want to know the chair she has been claiming as her own. Oh no, she wants the chair I'm sitting on.

I'm stressed. I need fags. I need a lighter and I need the damn cat to behave herself. This is my chair, she has never claimed this chair before and after all the effort I went through to sort her own space and her own chair out for her I'm not giving this one up.

I'm not

You know you're in the shit when you're searching through rubbish for dog ends and dog ends are bad for me chest.

14 February 2016

Are You Sure?

I’m not. I’m increasingly suspicious of almost every animal rescue video I see and story I read.
There’s a dog in what looks like the middle of the sea and he’s standing on a lump of ice that looks all of a yard wide and a yard long. And a miracle happens a biggish fishing boat just happens to pass by and the hero gets out and rescues the dog. The size of the boat is an indication of the depth of the sea. How did the dog get there?
In China a puppy is stuck down a drain a group of men gather and one rescues the pup. Wonderful. They eat dogs in China.
Cats, dogs, farm and wild animals are rescued from all sorts of unlikely and dangerous places. I’m not for a moment suggesting all rescues are fake I know some are genuine but the thought has crossed my mind that not all are genuine and maybe not all are for the benefit of the animals. We do love our camera phones don’t we and a video that goes ‘viral’ is fame of a sort.
It worries me, a lot.
There’s a page on Facebook I check most days not at all because I like the people but because I don’t trust them. I know fake tears when I don’t see them and I worry about helpless, literally helpless animals in the wrong hands. I wonder how an animal that could hardly walk managed to get upstairs and how the hell he was allowed to even try to get down by himself.
Recently the owner was caught in a lie my first instinct is always to offer support but the more I thought about it the less I was sure what happened was an accident. I’m still not sure of that what I am sure of is that since day two of this latest crisis there have been requests for money and surely that is odd, very odd.
People who dedicate their lives to helping and saving helpless animals need and deserve as much support as possible, people who starve a dog to the point of death and then claim to rescue it deserve prison and people who put animals in danger to get a taste of celebrity deserve the same.
I rather think this whole ‘rescue business’ should be very closely monitored. The one or two really good ones are well known and deserve all the praise and help they get but on the back of the sincere efforts of these wonderful people are the frauds and the abusers looking for easy cash and to grab their fifteen minutes of fame.
I’d love to be wrong but I’m very much afraid I’m right.

12 February 2016

In the Black, Blue and Blood it Came in

07 February 2016

Its the

Irish general Election. Imagine that. Or not, usually I prefer not but the whole charade has kindof forced itself upon me. You really can't get away from it, adverts also known as posters are everywhere. It takes priority on the news and radio and the talk shows, rarely far from dead boring, have been turned into carefully planned and rehearsed Q & A sessions and will probably be the unacknowledged reason for any increase in the Irish death rate.

So, as my solitary follower has buggered off to pastures 'safe' I thought I would give a brief outline of my thoughts so far.

You can't escape it.

Not enough? Not original? OK then.

Fianna Gael leading party in what passes for the Irish government. Fianna Gael got in on courageous promises to stand up to the EU dictators and punish the bankers, they caved before the ink was even dry on their election win.

I honestly don't know what I think of Enda Kenny He can't be as bad as he seems no one could. I'm inclined to believe he's a hell of a back room mover just before the last general election Kenny survived a back room coup, well either he did survive it or it was a good piece of free PR showing a determined, powerful man in control of events...Until it comes to the EU when he's more of a roll over and get his belly rubbed type.

Labour have been such an unbelievable disappointment! I know I should be used to it this is Ireland after all but really that shower call themselves Labour?! Anyway the leader they had when they joined what should be their polar opposite in government, but instead and only in Ireland is much more their identical twin, buggered off after the first year or so. His position was somewhat alarmingly filled by that well known shrew Joan Burton.

Really I can't think of anything else to say about Labour except they won't be getting my vote this time around.

Fianna Fail. No getting away from it their leader Michael Martin had a bloody big mountain to climb and I do think he's done well considering it doesn't take much to remind everyone of Bertie Ahearn and Brian Cowen. But he has tried and maybe has succeeded better than he knows. Few people will openly admit to voting for them but old loyalties die very, very slowly and can be resuscitated quickly, quietly and with no more than a flick of a pen.

I have to admit that what little enthusiasm I have for the general election is for Fianna Fail and if I'm prepared to over look the trifling matters of the entire country bankrupt and the blatant smiling corruption of previous leaders I'm sure I'm not the only one.

My pet hate. Sinn Fein. Oh I must restrain myself! And to tell the truth its hard. Or not because its also true to say most of what passes for their leadership is as old or older than me, which basically means they're on their last lap. He He. Unfortunately they may do well, quite well, they won't win but for them surely its more about acceptance and growth than an outright win and if all goes well for Gerry Adams in a few years time there might be the presidency. I have to admit the very thought of it makes me queasy because I dislike the bastards past, I suspect there's shenanigans I would beat him over the head with, and not least because if he got the presidency he would not be the shy retiring do as he's told president Ireland is used to.

But, maybe Ireland deserves better from its presidents and anyway the optimist in me looks on the bright side at least he's taller than the present incumbent and with any luck I will be England.

The rest? well I think there's a new party trying to draw the right kind of attention to itself and there are some very worthwhile independents who I hope hold their seats.

I've had enough of the Irish general election already and its not until 26th February. And just think 29th February 2016 is a leap year. Strange things can happen in a leap year.

05 February 2016

I Hate

Going to town I always forget something often because someone/thing has upset me. I intended to do a little bit of shopping, collect a prescription, pay a bill and go home. I got as far as the prescription, had to take something into the surgery then I ditched the rest and came home.

Basically I've had enough anyone who reads my blog or tweets knows I can snap back faster than they can think of a clever response but I never do because it would be rude and I am never rude to people. I wish I were.

I'm not going to town again until as late as possible next week. I need a break between snide remarks.

Stranger than Fiction?

Unfucking believable - unless you have proof.

So, three of them are Dan, Dick and good oul Eamonn, ever ready to plagiarize and when not doing that take the piss out of someone they hate for her politics, an honesty they can't begin to understand and an indifference to gang or creed, they don't understand it and so they call her stupid mainly because she's not so honest she won't bend the rules but she was and still is more honest than letting people be hurt.

She might have taken part or at least have done nothing to prevent the Northern Bank Robbery but she'd have challenged the world to prevent one wound on anyone.

Wow, they must have been shocked when she defended one of their leaders, but maybe not it wasn't the first time she went to the rescue and pointed out the rarely mentioned, apparently hardly known but still, if they'd taken the trouble to look which they didn't, glaringly obvious.

All done in perfect confidence you understand because they think they're 'safe' now. Note the use of apostrophe it means they're not and at this particular time they've never been more at risk.

I am absolutely fucking furious, they didn't get permission for the vicious little 'game' they've been playing that I'm sure of because if their leaders aren't brighter than that they're not leaders they're clowns.

Why all the hangers on? Is it possible the almost entirely Irish supporters felt a frisson of anticipation? The scent of blood in the air? Of course it is this is Ireland.

You bunch of worthless, brainless hangers on have endangered something before the latest one has even begun and I have to decide if its fair to go for the jugular now or would that have the potential to hurt a lot, and I mean a lot, of innocent people who believe in and work for a cause.

True its not a cause I believe in but neither for eg is Fianna Gael and I wouldn't hurt them or just for the sake of self satisfaction be part of anything that would.

You fucking worthless shower of gobshites have not got the first inkling of a clue and I'm trapped am I?

And what makes me even more furious is that I'm thinking of all the people doing actual work right now un involved in any criminal activity and undeserving of calamity.

You. Cunts. Always hiding behind better people than yourselves.

04 February 2016

The Good Republican

It was on Spotlight last night.  A northern Ireland documentary series it was naturally interested in the recent judgement in the south against Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy for tax evasion.
The entire show was devoted to Tom Murphy’s alleged republican past its still alleged because there’s no actual evidence he was in the IRA I think that’s important. There is a lost libel case, there was a statement from Eamonn Collins there’s the murder of Eamonn Collins but there’s no suggestion Tom Murphy had anything to do with the murder and none of it is proof of membership of the IRA.
Eamonn Collins was a grass he should have run but he chose not to and his very presence would be an open wound to people who care about things like that.
Enough of unproven allegations about the IRA I don’t support the IRA. I don’t like the IRA. I support fair trials for everyone, there’s so much wrong with the arrest and trial of Tom Murphy it makes me wonder and it makes me angry.
If I were a big time smuggler of contraband of whatever description the first thing I would do is make sure I had a safe place. A priests hole, secret cave, false basement. Anything that would do to house my ill gotten gains.
Tom Murphy no fool and no amateur didn’t do any of that. He put his wealth, or some of it, in black plastic sacks in a barn and that says to me Mr Murphy was not expecting unwelcome or inquisitive visitors.
Did someone lie to him? Did a government or its officers renege on a deal to let Tom Murphy continue as its alleged he always had? If so I think the green light to investigate Tom Murphy was from within the British and/or Irish governments (for those who care that’s alphabetical order)
It would do no good in the first instance of the Good Friday/Belfast Agreement for the British or Irish to give their word independently of each other. It had to be agreed by both sides and presumably any betrayal had also to be agreed.
I despise those people who forget their friends as soon as its convenient to do so. I dislike those who return favours with betrayal and I feel contempt for those who make promises in order to achieve something and once it is achieved renege on their promise, their given word.
And so Mr Murphy was arrested and charged with tax evasion and here what is merely slightly hold your nose nauseating becomes sickening in its hypocrisy. Mr Murphy was denied a trial of his peers and made to endure a trial with no jury.
Tax evasion is a crime against the state. It had to be, as all crimes are, investigated by the state it had to be prosecuted by the state and the judge is a state appointee.
No jury in a trial against the state. No mention of the unease all states feel at the presence of more than their own army. No mention that disabling and disarming such an army would be a priority for every government.
Its all very sleazy and whether or not you think Mr Murphy deserves sleaze is irrelevant because the law doesn’t. The law must shine or its not the law its just a bigger gang than the other guys.

02 February 2016

Enough of This

tell you what, just unfollow me you wittering complaining clown

This is the creature I had a little confrontation with earlier today. He obsesses over comics and Islam with occasional lurches into Irish republican politics.

He has been what he probably likes to think of as an observer of attacks on me for about six years. He has never done the least thing to prevent or intervene to stop the attacks.

It maybe that he is Muslim his behaviour is not a recommendation to any Mosque.

I've had enough of him not only does he not look like his picture which would be bad enough he looks a great deal worse. Wuss is the word that springs to mind

I don't follow the disREPutable fool because I take the least interest in comics and my only interest in Islam is to see it banned.

My response is below

No 'mate' Im a victim one of yours & I take strong exception to your holier than thou attitude Now fuck off Block if you want

He didn't block me after a couple of hours he un followed me. I have no idea why he took so long he surely can't imagine I cared.

I can't stand him and its about time he and his associates understood I'm not sympathizing or empathizing with any of them.   I'd name him but I want the organ grinder. I leave it to you dear reader...to decide if its he she or it...

They are Important Reasons

There are five in my opinion very good reasons why I'm still here they are Pippa, Trixie, Jezzie, Maggie and Ollie.

Its not just that renting a house with so many cats and dogs is almost impossible, most houses seem to be on six month tenancy agreements and I can't risk having to find another house every six months. Its simply impossible.

I could go to family but two cats and three dogs is impossible to simply unload on someone who already has animals of their own.

Its all impossible.

But I do love these cats and dogs

Pippa and Trixie are sisters they don't even like each other and live in a constant state of competition, true they don't fight mostly they ignore each other and mostly I make sure there's nothing to fight over. If there were fights I think Pippa would win. She's smaller than Trixie but she is very ready to defend what she decides is hers and although she's quite talkative and seems to think its my job to carry her around the garden she is much less domesticated than Trixie.

Jezzie and Maggie are great friends they play together lots of mock fights and tumbling goes on. Jezzie is no fool if she thinks something of hers is threatened she runs to me to get it back for her. Maggie is a natural groveler which is very misleading she is the most determined, stubborn little girl. Jezzie is more relaxed and confident and it has to be said much smarter.

My Ollie is older now, eyes and ears are not what they were and he won't let me cut his hair, but he loves his garden and potters about out there whenever he decides its dry enough. He's not keen on horrible wet boggy weather but then nor am I.

I can't just leave them a part of me wishes I could.