A Self Portrait...

22 December 2015

This & That

I tried telling myself I could leave it 'til later but its Christmas how much later is allowed? Not enough is the answer. I walked into town and frankly on a dull, grey, blustery day its a boring walk not one redeeming feature.

Oh well, once in town it did get a bit better I went into the bank there wasn't a queue and this always brightens my mood. Not enough after all I am still in town but at least I don't have to queue for the privilege of paying in or taking out my own money, there is much to be said for keeping your wealth under the mattress or if there's a danger climbing into such a bed would be like climbing Mount Everest put it in a hay shed for who would ever look there.....

I really haven't kept up with whatever Mr Murphy has been doing in his spare time but and its just my opinion, I reckon you'd need oxygen to get to the top of E800,000.

Not the point! Tom Murphy did not get a fair trial. I don't care about excuses the state was the victim, the investigator, the prosecution, the judge and the jury and that no matter who is on trial is wrong.

I digress! I was in town never a pleasant experience for me and its hardly my fault if standing at the cash desk I couldn't help but notice that my balance is less than E800,000 by about E799,900 and the bank charges for what it is pleased to call its services. Huh! There's a lot to be said for hay sheds or in my case a sock...

However needs must and I hobbled off, hips giving me gyp, to do my shopping which I kept to a minimum because I wasn't in the mood, would you believe the people in the second shop I went into knew my name? They did. I don't know how they knew I don't know any of their names. Its not that they are unpleasant they're all very nice people but they know my name and I'd had enough. I went home.

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