A Self Portrait...

08 December 2015

Living with Lies

Its not one case of emperors clothes the lies are naked and they are everywhere.

A Tory MP is said to be involved in selling, distributing ISIS oil and no doubt making yet another million. Is it front page news, does anyone care, has he resigned? It doesn't seem so, and as I write this post he has not.

Another Tory MP receives an email criticizing and insulting her  what does she do? Report it as abusive, send a reply to the author of the email giving him precise instructions as to where he can put his email? She does not. She adds a threat to kill her to the senders email, publishes it and, as anyone with a double digit IQ could have told her, is immediately caught. Does she resign, is she sacked? No she does not, and again not as far as I know.

A Labour MP, quite a senior one, publishes a threatening, insulting email he says he received but which on cursory examination appears to have been written by himself or by someone with access to his online account. Has he resigned? Of course not.

The chancellor of the exchequer is accused of consorting with prostitutes and taking drugs. His accuser publishes incriminating pictures and some more decidedly odd pictures are published including of him in the House of Commons. Does he resign, is he sacked? The answer is very straightforward NO and NO.

The Prime minister is said to have performed a sex act on a dead pigs head in order to be accepted into some dining club or other. Does he resign? He does NOT

A terrorist army called ISIS are committing mass murder and invading countries in the name of their god but we are told not to call them ISIS which is Islamic and we can't call Islamic State terrorists Islamic because it might offend Muslims. In the meantime ISIS not Daesh are continuing to rape and murder anyone who doesn't fit their opinion of the ideal Muslim.

On a lighter but no less irritating note some rubbish rag or other is doing its 'Woman of the Year' award and who is prominent among the nominations? None other than Caitlyn Jenner who as far as I know has not as yet completed the medical transformation of male to female. However anyone thinking the presence of dangly bits should prevent a) the nomination or b) any chance of winning is wrong. The dangly bits were still attached when earlier this year 'she' won another 'Woman of the Year' award.

We are not just ignoring hypocrisy we are wallowing in it, anyone unwise enough to object is condemned as racist, insulted unmercifully and held up as an object of ridicule.

I would just like to know when we sunk this low and how did we all manage to miss the total lack of oxygen?

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