A Self Portrait...

14 December 2015

Not a Rant a Whine

It started fine I got there in plenty of time went to the hole in the wall and waited while the woman ahead of me did her thing. As she walked away I was about to put my card in when I noticed there was cash in the slot. Technically I know I should have taken it into the bank but I'd seen the woman just a second ago so on instinct I ran to the curb and called her. She turned looked at me and I said "Did you forget something?" The look on her face! I gave her the money and returned to the bank to get mine.

Technically I should have taken the money into the bank but if I had the woman might have had to wait until tomorrow or later to get her money and you never know that might have been all she had. It wasn't much and if it turns out I made a mistake I can replace the lost 20 euros without too much pain.

After that the trip was an up hill struggle. I saw the paedophiles employment agent aka mini cab driver and that pissed me off. It takes such control not to tell him exactly what I think of him the struggle wears me out.

In the end I didn't do much shopping I don't like the avaricious type of person and I don't like dismissive type of people it would be too easy for me to be the same and I don't see why if I can make an effort to be polite others cant.

Not a good trip it should have been I had a laugh in the second hand shop, gave the forgetful woman her money and did what I went to town to do except I didn't do even a half of it. I didn't have the heart. I did the barest minimum and went home.

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