You know how it is you watch tv ’til your eyes glaze and it seems every few seconds you think ‘why is there never anything worth watching on tv at Christmas’ because there isn’t there used to be old Hollywood B films about Jesus maybe some of those are still shown but I didn’t notice any this year. My favourite was one of those All Star films I can’t remember the name of the film but I do remember the unmistakable voice of John Wayne saying “This is truly the Son of God” right at the end as Jesus lay on the cross. Oh dear.
That was then. Today we have so many options hundreds of tv channels, the internet and social media, my the professional trolls have their work cut out for them at Christmas time.
This year by way of a change I wandered over to You Tube to have a look at some clips of bursting cysts and abscess I’ve been taking an increased interest in puss since I was informed an abscess on my pancreas had burst and caused septicemia and other complications. Is there puss in internal abscess and if there is where does it go because if all that gunge leaks into the blood stream its amazing anyone including me survives such poisoning. Yuk! So there I was stuck on puss and gore when I just happened to see, and who could miss it, a clip about serial killers.
Have you noticed serial killers have gone out of fashion in favour it seems of mass killers of groups of innocent people. Isn’t that odd? It seems to me that from the seventies through to the nineties all we heard about was serial killers. Only think of them Gains, Gacy, Cottingham, Dahmer, Nilson, Sutcliffe and so on the list seemed endless. And then it stopped.
Now the big fear is mass killings the politically correct favourites are deranged white people killing black or anyone who is not white. The other biggie are the terrorist killings terrorists are not fussy who they kill so not as politically correct but in some ways the indifference and anonymity does add a frisson of if not fear perhaps anxiety.
I’m not interested in mass killers, oh I go through the motions of condemning them and their cause but I grew up with IRA terrorism and its not that I or anyone feels immune or indifferent but we do acclimatize and as bad as it is mass killings and terrorism are not personal or scary in the sense that you have to double check all the locks and bolts to try to feel safe.
Serial killers however are scary, they don’t seem to choose a victim based on looks although gender does seem to be important to many of them. Most serial killers seem to have things in common, they collect ‘trophies’ of their victims, they choose a particular type of person again not based on looks more on the kind of character or personality and no serial killer that I’ve heard of has ever said he or she didn’t know why they did it, they all knew! Even if it didn’t make sense to anyone but them.
Gacy surely didn’t need to bury more than twenty people under the crawl space in his home. If he did its a good thing he was American most British homes don’t have crawl spaces.
Gains seems to have had a bit of a thing about his mother but as far as I know no one knows for sure if he loved or hated her
Nilson and Dahmer both homosexual murdered young men some say it was to stop the men leaving but is that a good reason to chop someone up and eat bits? Does anyone know if they killed gay young men because they hated being gay or could it be because being young and gay doesn’t last longer than youth and they wanted to preserve the youthful attractiveness of their victims. Hmm
The same could be said of Cottingham and Sutcliffe who murdered women many of them prostitutes. Did they do it because young women grow into older women and they wanted to somehow stop the aging process?
All four appear to have been sexual sadists could that have been the real reason? Presumably a sexual sadist wants to cause as much pain as possible and if a victim is killed does that increase the sexual experience or stop it? I’m leaning toward stop it or at least an oops…..
I really don’t know much about serial killers nor do I want to know I’d hang the lot of them including the Russian guy who is said to have murdered more than fifty people.
All I know for now is that serial killers seem to have gone out of fashion.