A Self Portrait...

07 August 2017

When did Charity

Become a right, when did the weak, sick, disabled or just plain bone idle become entitled? I'm not trying (its not hard) to offend anyone I'm asking the question because it needs serious thought and a real answer.

As far as I can see the only people fully entitled to state or any aid are the tax payers, the contributors, those nondescript people who do nothing more offensive than work for decades and pay all their state and/or national taxes.

Tax evasion is a major problem so obviously anyone evading paying tax is not entitled to a damn thing, same applies to the so called 'legal' tax avoiders. Most of these creatures proclaim the right of people to receive benefits whilst simultaneously never contributing to the tax revenue required to give anyone anything.

Of course the same applies to any and all royalty they head as many charities as they can whilst never donating a thing. Nor do royals usually start a charity what they do is crawl on the back of the successful ones and proceed to smother it with establishment 'costs'.

Human Rights and charity are very close. I saw a video of a mother of FIFTEEN children demanding 'someone' pay her rent and feed, clothe and educate her kids. Amazing because it clearly hadn't occurred to this 'mother' that most people don't have FIFTEEN children because they can't afford to look after them.

And there is so much more, teachers and professors indoctrinating young children and college students into believing they are owed an education, a home and full healthcare, when in fact no one is, none of us are entitled to anything not a thing, and we need to recognise that because it seems to me the current generation of tax payers maybe the last one capable or willing to allow their money to be used to keep unemployed people and civil servants of whatever description in a luxury the people themselves can't afford.

We really need to look at the whole benefits and 'entitled' system its generosity is only possible by using the money other people worked hard for and using other peoples money to keep those who can't or won't work is the main reason for mass immigration. The effect of such 'generosity' is to endanger the European culture and the European race. Sometime soon someone is going to have to take a long hard look at what they've been doing and stop it.

And, before the usual suspects bleat about race, colour and religion. Its nothing to do with any of them, all of them are looking for the same thing and none are entitled to anything. 

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