A Self Portrait...

13 August 2017

At First

I thought author and to some a demi God Terry Pratchett, a man whose work I had admired for years, couldn't possibly have been responsible. I like his work too much to easily believe that in real life he was just a nasty vindictive little squirt in dire need of a kick up the backside preferably before he shuffled off this mortal coil...

Good ole Terry was born in Beaconsfield said to be the richest town in England so I think its safe to say his relationship with the east end of London and specifically the cockney accent and phraseology was more 'borrowed' than born, of course he began his career as a journalist and that certainly should have warned everyone that a little light whoring on the back streets of authordom would not in anyway sense or form be beyond him.

I still find it hard to believe, more I find it incredible, add that to his totally arrogant false impression of me and its almost unbelievable. How could anyone supposedly clever and sympathetic to others be so wrong and so cowardly? Did he even expect I would be grateful? Of course he did I should be flattered to find myself alluded to in the ugliest most unflattering terms in his last book. I wish he were still alive I'd kill him.

The whole thing is a hideous criminal mess and I have had enough.

Public people like Terry Pratchett surrender some of their privacy its part of the price of fame, fans and fortune and is usually covered by carefully selected photo shoots and interviews when was the last time someone filmed Terry Pratchett while he was lisping incoherently or dribbling his dinner? Because that's what illegal filming does its nothing if it doesn't capture an indiscretion or an embarrassing moment. Protecting him from unfavourable publicity is why rich arrogant bastards who do Gods know what in private employ personal assistants and PR agencies.

Private individuals who have no desire to be famous and no money to finance PR spinners and tech experts are entitled to real, full privacy.  If someone famous has something to say derogatory or otherwise they should also have the courage to say it to the person concerned.

I said I loved his books, didn't hesitate, didn't say one, two or a dozen. I included all of them. Terry Pratchett did not live up to his own creations...He epitomizes the opposite of the socially caring equal society he invented.

Somewhere at the foot of every new book is a small paragraph declaring everything is fiction and does not relate to any living person. Its a fig leaf meant to allow a certain amount of licence.  Fucking hard luck when you are so arrogant and so consumed with dislike of your victim you effectively name them. What did he think she would be so flattered and so stupid she would do nothing?

Someone asked me, anonymously of course, if I had read any of the books he wrote in collaboration with others. I had not and still have not. Guess who is going to read those books now starting with the last one...

Write a review it said so I did...

I too have read all Terry Pratchett books and I find myself wondering how many people he abused in each of them. Is there a list somewhere? I'd like to see it.

Is it some kind of right authors or any old bloggers and journalists think they are entitled to? Whatever else I do I draw attention and you can't buy that you certainly can't lisp it through dementia.

I don't believe Terry Pratchett slavishly followed my every post, comment or tweet I think a 'fan' sent him the juiciest tidbits, possibly the same person who illegally filmed me and then equally illegally distributed the film

And, to add certainty to suspicion today 30/8/17 we are informed that in accordance with his 'wishes', Terry Pratchett several years into dementia was well enough to wish? Terry Pratchetts computers were destroyed obliterating any and all uncompleted books he'd started to write...And, sheer coincidence... his entire browsing history was also steamed naturally under a 1950s steam roller. I think 1950s was about the end of the steam roller era...

However I do feel fairly sure that if the evil pervert went anywhere online he left a trail, everyone does all he wrecked was his end and one day soon his for want of a better word, adventures will be found and fully broadcast

One other question bothers me a teensy bit: was Terry Pratchett straight? He couldn't write a husband and wife conversation. He couldn't write romance unless he stole from old films and books, and he was as vain as a page three model. Most odd. Most writers whatever their orientation can write romance they'd be unemployed if they couldn't.

However that's neither here nor there, what I care about is Terry Pratchett wrote about me which means he knew about me which means half written books were not the only things he wanted to remain hidden in his computer...

Which other author, poet or even lowest of the low journalist ordered that all his half finished writings be destroyed? As far as I can recall everyone of them want their writings preserved and permanently displayed in libraries and book shops.

Most if not all of his earlier Discworld books were built on metaphor after metaphor and colloquial phrase after colloquial phrase. No one resented it because the metaphors and phrases padded a good story and anyway almost every colloquial phrase was Cockney and who has ever cared about them, right? Thing about Cockney is you have to be, er, really up close and personal to get to know Cockney romantic phraseology...

Terry Pratchett couldn't do a Yorkshire accent. Its one of the reasons Raising Steam doesn't work as a book. The other reason of course is his continual abuse of someone he didn't know...

Terry Pratchett died on 12/03/2015 I first published this post on 13/08/2017 Today 30/08/2017 is the first time I've heard that Terry Pratchett asked that his computer/s including their browsing history be destroyed. No publicity? No coincidence? Someone is afraid and rightly so...

Terry Pratchett had something to hide and some of his criminal activity included watching illegal films.


I've mentioned this elsewhere before but it maybe more relevant here. I think some if not all of the criminal gang who took at least one illegal video of me maybe the kind of middle class, journalistic scum who believe everyone want's to be famous and I in particular 'borrowed' phrases from Terry Pratchetts books.

The ignorance of the Irish knows no depths. Terry Pratchett didn't invent cockney phrases he stole them from a world he never lived in but like all journalists thought he had the right to abuse, there are no new, original cockney sayings in any book written by Terry Pratchett he stole them all and whilst that in itself is not a crime assuming ownership is beyond arrogant. He didn't sue me or anyone for using cockney language - he'd have been laughed out of court if he'd tried

Some say and Terry Pratchett must have loved it and breathed a huge sigh of relief that the Discworld stories are based between New York and the East End of London. Not true. The location, style and all the phraseology are Cockney.
Pratchett couldn’t write without Cockney characters and language. His attempt, put it no higher, to copy Dickens was a total failure, and the reason is obvious. He couldn’t do period phraseology. Dodger is one of the worst, most tedious, incorrect books I’ve ever had to force myself to read. He lost the real East End and couldn’t recreate it.
As far as I know Pratchett wrote Dodger when he was bedeviled by dementia, it was no good asking any of his hangers on to help if they could write anything worth reading they’d have done that instead of hanging around a lisping, demented, vicious plagiarist.
I’ve not finished with Pratchett not by any manner or means.


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