A Self Portrait...

07 May 2016

Have You No Self Respect?

What do people think of and see as self respect?

I  think its an image we have of ourselves built up over the years of disappointments, rejection and even the dislike we may have encountered. Our self respect is a shield that we physically need to present to the world. Its probably almost certainly not who we are when we are alone in that place where we indulge our worst habits and shed our ugliest most heart felt tears.

Self respect is so strong a part of us that most of us would find a place to hide before we did anything we thought might be the smallest bit embarrassing, unrepresentative and damaging to who we need to be seen to be by other people because it is a need one that goes much deeper than wearing a suit for work and any old thing at home. Our self respect is our shield it is the face we present to the world on a daily basis. It is what enables us to recover from every loss and slight in a lifetime.

I saw the title of this post yesterday phrased in such a way I was stunned at what the poster apparently thought should be considered self respect, they are so far from real self respect they appear to have no understanding of it or what it means to those who have their own self respect stolen.

Self respect is not regained by running and hiding from abusers that is a complete surrender of self. It is allowing someone to not even say, to imply that if you only run away they will let you run, any dirty little secrets you keep locked away from prying eyes will stay locked away even as they forget the unimportant, irrelevant you.

The hell with that its not self respect its the abject loss of all self respect and all individual personal privacy...

The only way for self respect to be regained is by defeating or reaching an understanding with those who stole it. Its not an option its not negotiable to be yourself in public you must be able to present if not the old self respect then a new one, one forged in the secret, bitter battle for the return of something that no one should ever steal and then share as if the victim had no right to privacy and no right to object to such a fundamental loss.

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