A Self Portrait...

08 May 2015

Not Happy

The UK had its general election on Thursday this is not news its tradition the UK always has its general elections on a Thursday once there was probably a reason now its tradition and might as well be cast in stone which funnily enough brings me to Ed Miliband and his manifesto stone. By itself it wasn’t a bad idea there should be somewhere government promises are placed to be fully visible to all of us throughout their term of office.
It didn’t work. I don’t know if people have lost interest in politicians promises or if it no longer matters and they decide for themselves who they think is the least worst option but if that’s so wtf did they vote Conservative and in enough numbers to increase their previous almost majority?
The result of yesterdays self inflicted UK disaster is five more years of Tory govt. It will be severe benefit cuts, no decent house building and foodbanks becoming a regular visit instead of an emergency stop. Its not impossible to over turn the worst of the Tory excesses but to stand a chance Labour will have to grovel to the SNP who will be trying to screw as much out of the Conservative government as humanly possible. I don’t dislike the SNP I actually like Alex Salmond but they are racist to their teeth and always trying to get more out of the English. Its worth noting that some people are said to have voted Confuckingservative in order to weaken the SNP grip on Westminster.
I’m so disgusted words don’t fail me they’re tripping off the end of my fingers in their haste to express my mood which for the record is not good.
Looking for the silver lining Sinn Feins Michelle Gildernew lost, now I’m not entirely against her she always seems the only almost human member of that racist sectarian gang, but lose she did and she was replaced by whatsisface the leader of the UUP whose name will I’m sure return to the tip of my fingers as soon as I press publish.
UKIP are in a kind of limbo, they got about three million votes and one seat, they actually lost a seat! How can a party get so many votes and lose anything? The SNP got about half that number of votes and got fifty six MPs so you can see right there why a lot of English people would rather vote Conservative than risk having SNP do a deal with Labour.
Its not a question of poor Labour or poor Ed. Ed stabbed his brother in the back to win the leadership of the Labour party and the big spending once important unions backed him. Labour has changed from the days of working class heroes, what we have now is a political party that covers up for its own child abusing MPs, Pakistani and Bangladeshi immigrants who also just happen to be child abusing perverts, and Labour has members who attend even help organise meetings where women and men are segregated. Labour founders would be spinning in their graves. Labour deserved to lose. I’m just sorry the alternative was a Tory government and I am very sorry about that its going to hurt me when I get home.
Not Happy At All.

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