A Self Portrait...

12 May 2015


Lost the General Election. It was actually much worse than the usual two horse race the defeat was humiliating. In many of the seats they held their vote was way down on expectations and their closest rival was not Conservative or Liberal Democrat oh no the closest rival in many constituencies was the hated, sneered at United Kingdom Independence party or as its most often referred to: UKIP.
There is a lesson to be learned but so far all three previously big parties are willfully refusing to even acknowledge it and that is very familiar indeed.
Labour more than the other parties need to learn a very important lesson: it wasn’t the left or the right that lost them the election it was a joint effort by left and right because there is one vitally important matter they totally agree upon: both sides sneer and insult the working class. The very sight of a white van and/or an English flag is enough to send a Labour MP into paroxysms of mocking laughter. I don’t know why anyone who believes the working class are nothing more than racist, layabout chavs would bother to join the Labour Party but its been happening for so long now that almost all its members are either left wing students who refuse to grow up or closet Tories on the make.
Here are some hard facts Labour need to absorb before any future election:
Three hundred thousand immigrants arrived last year and that’s only the legal people we know about, there will have been thousands more illegal immigrants arriving and disappearing into the black economy and then you guessed it competing with the existing community for jobs. Some say most legal immigrants are skilled and all are necessary the people who say that are wrong and they know it. Most damning because it is denied and ignored by politicians is that most immigrants don’t go to live in Kensington and Chelsea nor do they go to the nice leafy garden suburbs and they don’t fill the vacancies allegedly crying out for highly skilled people. The vast majority of immigrants go to working class areas and compete with the original population for working class jobs and working class housing. This has consequences housing becomes an even more serious problem than it has always been and competition for jobs means wages are lowered.
There are more little differences so easily dismissed by the politerati: communities change sometimes almost overnight and healthcare and education virtually disappears behind long and growing queues, enlarged classes and poor teachers.
If anyone has the temerity to complain they are told they’re racist bigots. And then, we’re far from finished, there are the rents already high of housing in the private sector, which is basically all that remains. The rents increase, and here is another: benefits are slashed and a bedroom tax is introduced and anyone who objects is called a racist, bigoted benefits cheating chav.
There’s no upside to it for years the working class have been dismissed and sneered at in precisely this way because Labour luvvies thought the working class had no where else to go and so would continue to vote Labour no matter what. Maybe but now its looking as though they’ve had enough and have found somewhere new to go: UKIP.
Its not an insoluble problem. Labour should be first but all parties including the almost extinct Liberal Democrats need to face the facts and deal with them. Three hundred thousand people and that’s a minimum number is the size of a city and that is what needs to be built to accommodate them and the growing population. Its not impossible Harlow and Milton Keynes are new towns and there are others.
We need new hospitals, housing, GPs and schools, we need a housing and welfare system that is appropriate to the need, and, as unpleasant as some people think it is we also need an embargo on immigration until the mess is sorted out. The Green Belt needs to be protected since destroying that will upset all of the people. Many of the new amenities and some housing can and should be built on existing brown field sites. It will mean more jobs in many areas and more facilities wherever its done. It will calm the anger felt by so many people and allow all people including new immigrants to assimilate with a degree of comfort and acceptance.
Middle class college kids who refuse to grow up in or even acknowledge the real world and get rich quick spivs are the reason Labour is in the most serious trouble in its history.

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