A Self Portrait...

28 May 2015

Its Baffling

So it is. How can anyone accuse or suspect me of being greedy? Its been going on for years and all I asked for was a name and an apology. It didn't happen, what did keep happening was growing horror that there were more involved and then people I had never met appeared apparently interested in me and my home.

You can imagine what that did and then I discovered that some of the abusers live on my very road. Yeah. It maybe that the reason they are so dismissive is they have no idea of what such an invasion does to the victim. One thing it does is confirm that my address has been shared and because of that and more than one home invasion it means safety and security are gone.

And some call me greedy. Why? Because I offer a settlement an amount that individually is less, much less, than any one of them would spend on a car or a good sofa. Its possible they don't believe the assaults but they looked at illegal photographs and probably videos and didn't think they were a major assault and invasion of privacy?

No, it doesn't work they've made my house impossible to live in and they've made no effort to offer compensation unless I add the Christmas 'offering' which was nothing more than another sick joke adding insult to injury.

I'm supposed to give up to, 'go away', as someone who it is alleged is one of them famously said, and he is right there is no going away there is only redress. Wherever I move I take the wounds with me .

People who play psychological games should know there can be no recovery unless there is also justice which oddly enough is what some of the abusers are themselves campaigning for, no, not for me of course, for people who they consider are acceptably badly wounded and on this subject I agree with my abusers the victims they support are undoubtedly owed justice and recompense.

The worrying thing is that with the kind of support they've attracted justice maybe the very thing that's denied them as I reach for justice for myself.

18 May 2015

Drifting and Thinking

Odd day should have done more I've got to start packing things up decide what to take and what might as well be left. I won't need much not at first from what I'm being told I might not need much at all! In any event I don't want to do a full move twice in what may well be as many months.

Strange day rain, worry, more rain more worry.  I know there are some vulnerable people involved, part of me wants to kind of sieve them out and then I remind myself all bullies are weak and vulnerable that's why they're bullies and those vulnerable people loved what they were doing for as long as they thought they would never be caught.

Didn't seem to occur to them that capture was not up to them or me and now its too late I can't sieve the vulnerable out if I do that it would be unfair to the others, it would also be dangerous for me they have stolen so much of my life that if I don't stop all of them one of them will use the pictures and other information, is probably already dreaming about how s/he could get away with it and there could well be more than one.

One of them said they were shocked to find I want redress as if such a thing had put a dent in my halo! There never was a halo not on any of us but there was crime and increasingly serious crime at that. The moment they appeared at my house was the moment I knew I had to stop them. It made me ill and like every victim it made me want justice.

I'm looking forward to moving this place is bad for me and the more I look the more connections to Ireland I find and that means staying is out of the question.

16 May 2015

Memory Lane?

Imagine someone going to the Royal Opera House not to admire the theatre or the wonderful performances but to look for a sign of someone who once worked there. As if expecting her ghost to haunt the Grand Tier.

How absurd and how much worse if the person they were searching for hadn’t been there for about fifteen years and is still very much alive
The house had changed been completely modernised most if not all of the old staff gone and a great deal of the old character gone with them.

Imagine someone telling you they’d been to the Opera House as though expecting a response of what, chagrin, jealousy?

She loved her years at the Opera House. Her friends, the atmosphere, Covent Garden and Soho within easy walking distance, but she loved going home too…


No sign





In space
Too late

12 May 2015


Lost the General Election. It was actually much worse than the usual two horse race the defeat was humiliating. In many of the seats they held their vote was way down on expectations and their closest rival was not Conservative or Liberal Democrat oh no the closest rival in many constituencies was the hated, sneered at United Kingdom Independence party or as its most often referred to: UKIP.
There is a lesson to be learned but so far all three previously big parties are willfully refusing to even acknowledge it and that is very familiar indeed.
Labour more than the other parties need to learn a very important lesson: it wasn’t the left or the right that lost them the election it was a joint effort by left and right because there is one vitally important matter they totally agree upon: both sides sneer and insult the working class. The very sight of a white van and/or an English flag is enough to send a Labour MP into paroxysms of mocking laughter. I don’t know why anyone who believes the working class are nothing more than racist, layabout chavs would bother to join the Labour Party but its been happening for so long now that almost all its members are either left wing students who refuse to grow up or closet Tories on the make.
Here are some hard facts Labour need to absorb before any future election:
Three hundred thousand immigrants arrived last year and that’s only the legal people we know about, there will have been thousands more illegal immigrants arriving and disappearing into the black economy and then you guessed it competing with the existing community for jobs. Some say most legal immigrants are skilled and all are necessary the people who say that are wrong and they know it. Most damning because it is denied and ignored by politicians is that most immigrants don’t go to live in Kensington and Chelsea nor do they go to the nice leafy garden suburbs and they don’t fill the vacancies allegedly crying out for highly skilled people. The vast majority of immigrants go to working class areas and compete with the original population for working class jobs and working class housing. This has consequences housing becomes an even more serious problem than it has always been and competition for jobs means wages are lowered.
There are more little differences so easily dismissed by the politerati: communities change sometimes almost overnight and healthcare and education virtually disappears behind long and growing queues, enlarged classes and poor teachers.
If anyone has the temerity to complain they are told they’re racist bigots. And then, we’re far from finished, there are the rents already high of housing in the private sector, which is basically all that remains. The rents increase, and here is another: benefits are slashed and a bedroom tax is introduced and anyone who objects is called a racist, bigoted benefits cheating chav.
There’s no upside to it for years the working class have been dismissed and sneered at in precisely this way because Labour luvvies thought the working class had no where else to go and so would continue to vote Labour no matter what. Maybe but now its looking as though they’ve had enough and have found somewhere new to go: UKIP.
Its not an insoluble problem. Labour should be first but all parties including the almost extinct Liberal Democrats need to face the facts and deal with them. Three hundred thousand people and that’s a minimum number is the size of a city and that is what needs to be built to accommodate them and the growing population. Its not impossible Harlow and Milton Keynes are new towns and there are others.
We need new hospitals, housing, GPs and schools, we need a housing and welfare system that is appropriate to the need, and, as unpleasant as some people think it is we also need an embargo on immigration until the mess is sorted out. The Green Belt needs to be protected since destroying that will upset all of the people. Many of the new amenities and some housing can and should be built on existing brown field sites. It will mean more jobs in many areas and more facilities wherever its done. It will calm the anger felt by so many people and allow all people including new immigrants to assimilate with a degree of comfort and acceptance.
Middle class college kids who refuse to grow up in or even acknowledge the real world and get rich quick spivs are the reason Labour is in the most serious trouble in its history.

08 May 2015

Not Happy

The UK had its general election on Thursday this is not news its tradition the UK always has its general elections on a Thursday once there was probably a reason now its tradition and might as well be cast in stone which funnily enough brings me to Ed Miliband and his manifesto stone. By itself it wasn’t a bad idea there should be somewhere government promises are placed to be fully visible to all of us throughout their term of office.
It didn’t work. I don’t know if people have lost interest in politicians promises or if it no longer matters and they decide for themselves who they think is the least worst option but if that’s so wtf did they vote Conservative and in enough numbers to increase their previous almost majority?
The result of yesterdays self inflicted UK disaster is five more years of Tory govt. It will be severe benefit cuts, no decent house building and foodbanks becoming a regular visit instead of an emergency stop. Its not impossible to over turn the worst of the Tory excesses but to stand a chance Labour will have to grovel to the SNP who will be trying to screw as much out of the Conservative government as humanly possible. I don’t dislike the SNP I actually like Alex Salmond but they are racist to their teeth and always trying to get more out of the English. Its worth noting that some people are said to have voted Confuckingservative in order to weaken the SNP grip on Westminster.
I’m so disgusted words don’t fail me they’re tripping off the end of my fingers in their haste to express my mood which for the record is not good.
Looking for the silver lining Sinn Feins Michelle Gildernew lost, now I’m not entirely against her she always seems the only almost human member of that racist sectarian gang, but lose she did and she was replaced by whatsisface the leader of the UUP whose name will I’m sure return to the tip of my fingers as soon as I press publish.
UKIP are in a kind of limbo, they got about three million votes and one seat, they actually lost a seat! How can a party get so many votes and lose anything? The SNP got about half that number of votes and got fifty six MPs so you can see right there why a lot of English people would rather vote Conservative than risk having SNP do a deal with Labour.
Its not a question of poor Labour or poor Ed. Ed stabbed his brother in the back to win the leadership of the Labour party and the big spending once important unions backed him. Labour has changed from the days of working class heroes, what we have now is a political party that covers up for its own child abusing MPs, Pakistani and Bangladeshi immigrants who also just happen to be child abusing perverts, and Labour has members who attend even help organise meetings where women and men are segregated. Labour founders would be spinning in their graves. Labour deserved to lose. I’m just sorry the alternative was a Tory government and I am very sorry about that its going to hurt me when I get home.
Not Happy At All.

07 May 2015


Is my rock. She is strong, calm and very bright. She’s the one who guards me and this house, she’s the one I can send into the darkness to find Ollie and she always brings him home.
Jezzie is sick. I don’t know what it is, I’m trying to convince myself that its nothing more than constipation but I’m not sure. I’m worried. She has the rest of the night and then I will have to think seriously about taking her to the vet.
The good news is she ate a little tonight. The bad news is it was nothing like enough and she wouldn’t touch her breakfast.
My beautiful girl feels the cold so I’ve wrapped her up nice and warm as I sit and watch and hope that I’m over reacting.
Be Well soon my sweet, brave Irish baby.

05 May 2015

Equality Labour Style

The picture shown above was taken at a campaign speech event attended by the Labour party. I don’t know who organised the event it doesn’t matter what matters is two or more Labour candidates were in the audience and/or giving speeches.
To a segregated audience. Right.
What gender segregation means is every wife, sister and daughter was separated from every husband, father and brother when did they separate? It doesn’t make sense for all of them to have traveled separately so presumably most of them went in family groups and only separated when they got through the hallowed doors. Men traveling alone were probably fine they just strolled in but what about women were they allowed to travel alone risking jostling shoulders or perhaps brushing against a male in some more personal area of the body, you know on the way through all the non segregated traffic and public? How would a lone woman dare?!
Are voting stations to be segregated? if not will some women dare to enter one alone or is it more likely that the all powerful male will take her there, lead her to the booth and tell her who to vote for, that’s if he hasn’t already taken care of the problem by opting for a postal vote for himself and his family after all why not make sure the right cross goes on the right name and who is to know if its his cross or hers?
And Labour the party formed to bring equality to the disadvantaged agreed to speak at the venue.
What needs to happen is Labour should apologise for their gross error of judgement and they and every other political party should make clear that they will not attend future segregated venues and every political party needs to make clear that segregation and block voting will be stopped.