A Self Portrait...

14 February 2015

Go to Town day

So I had to go to town today weather wise it was a good day for it chilly enough to walk to keep warm, bright enough to enjoy it. I met a proper Lassie type collie and worried about her. She was on this road but I don't remember seeing her. I'm probably being over anxious the Irish do have this nasty habit of letting dogs roam the streets and frankly even the dogs in the street know that's dangerous for everyone. Realistically I doubt she was lost I've not met most of the dogs here she was probably just taking a stroll.

I hate going into town not because of the walk I still enjoy walking but to be honest I'm out of the habit of it now. I need to get back into the swing of walking I miss it so much. The reason I've virtually stopped walking is because it means leaving the house unattended and that worries me so much I hardly think of anything else all the way there and back.  OK I know I've taken some steps to make sure anyone who enters my house is recognised but identification is only one half of the problem. The other half is the invasion and that's what I can't recover from. Stalkers and my home invaded they're not shocks you recover from easily.

I did a little shopping mostly cat food but it was still heavy and as I walked along it got a lot heavier and all the while I was worried about my worthless, useless house. No I didn't enjoy the trip to town not a bit.

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