A Self Portrait...

28 August 2018


A bit of a rag bag mixture but lets start where I was side tracked.

Youth is relatively new Not long ago up until the 1960s teenagers were not regarded as an almost separate breed they were simply young adults and treated as such, most didn't go to university they simply left school, got jobs and that was it. The change probably grew fast in the 1960s and 70s but its first hesitant shoots surely appeared in the 1950s.

It can't be over emphasized but as you can see teenagers owe their very existence to two world wars and the surviving adults determination to make sure their children had better, easier, much more enjoyable lives. To that end parents and adults spared no pain or energy to try to make young dreams come true. It seems to be unrecognised but its probably, I'm no expert, one of the greatest, most innovative tolerant and amateur success stories in human history, except its not a success. It must be very close to one of the most monumental failures in human history

A century ago, children under ten years old were working down mines, cleaning chimneys, working all hours in mills and other factory jobs, and no parent wants that for their child.

I have recently spent some time watching what I will call Oriental films their other name would be Asian and since I can't stand the overacting, over arrogance of the Indian male, the entire Indian film industry and the sheer medieval insanity of Islam I'm going to continue to call the films I've been watching Oriental...

The first thing I noticed is these films and tv series are full of some of the most fuckable young men I've seen in decades so you can see watching has not been hard work...It has been intriguing...

So, there's this beautiful young man, and I do mean beautiful handsome simply does not cut it, aaanyway, there he's stood clearly frozen solid and puffing warmth into his hands. All one wants to do is pick him up and wrap him in a nice warm duvet - for a couple of years. And then one spots the feet and can't help but notice the complete absence of socks. I have to say its one of those little things that not only puts me off it sends me on a cultural by pass.

Socks, socks are always optional or are they? When did the UK and other western cultures decide socks are essential? I don't know. I do know the UK welfare state didn't begin until 1948 and anyone who thinks the British working class were born with a pair of socks on is out of their mind. 

Clogs are wooden shoe type things which I think the Dutch usually get the blame for inventing but did they? The British wore clogs and somehow the idea of wearing clogs with socks doesn't quite work. Its like flip flops who would or could wear socks with flip flops? I'm not an expert but I think socks would have to be reinvented with two toe sections for socks to work with flip flops.

Clearly the sock thing is cultural but is it also a huge media and political lie? The British definitely did not have the money to buy socks and that goes right through British history including the 1930s years of depression The very idea that the British had money to spend on socks when the only income most of them had was for working long hours in low wage jobs, and those wages had to pay for rent, food and clothing for husbands, wives and children. Socks would either never have existed in most households or when difficulties arose they would have been the first to go.

And yet, and yet, I remember socks as ordinary, everyday items we all wore. I remember darning needles and those toad stool thingies we used to darn torn socks on. To be honest darning wasn't as far as I know done by my own or my parents generation but it was done by my grandparents. Cultural? Yes but how and why...

I may return to this subject. I may even ask out loud how many pairs of shoes are spread around the average Oriental home...Think of the average family two parents, two children that's eight pairs of shoes and slippers right in front of the door. I'm not being classist, racist or arrogant I am being curious...

07 June 2018


Its the third South Korean TV series I've watched and thoroughly enjoyed. So why, what does S Korea get right? I lasted through the first series of Designated thingy and gave up half way thru the second, well alright not quite half way. But I've watched two of the S Korean series at least twice So whats the difference?

I think its the lack of  'meet, don't bother to shake hands just hop straight into bed' routine that western tv series are so fond of, and then there's the politics slithering its way into every western doesn't matter what the subject is you very soon see who are the baddies and exactly who are the self sacrificing goodies.

I think the S Korean tv series I've watched have a joy about them, an exhilaration that hasn't been apparent in western films and tv series for a very long time. A stick to the story and if politics has to be involved make it relevant ethic. Another thing you don't see in S Korean tv series is the absolute total fucking nonsense of 'race appropriation' and then there's the sheer joy of youth, the bonhomie in simply learning to be friends as teenagers not children.

In western films and tv series the kids no sooner meet than they hop into bed. It seems to be expected but is it, ever? I don't think so I think its part of the never ending sales job the media and politicians do to enforce their will on the trusting, unsuspecting public. I cant imagine one parent wanting their 16 year old son or daughter to start hopping into bed before they've sat the school exams let alone got into a university or found a first job. In the west we seem to have bypassed flirting, fun and sexual discovery in favour of gender confusion.

The latest S Korean tv series I'm enjoying is Hwarang its great fun and because its in Korean you have to watch it at least twice to get the full story. Or perhaps its me who needs to watch more than once. I do it a lot with videos, films and TV series I like perhaps I spend too much time switching from one site to another and too much time trying to follow the dialogue to actually really watch what's happening to the story. Or perhaps really good TV and films are so rare now I want to savour the good ones hold them close in my mind to overcome and defeat the appalling shows made by western tv and film producers.

Or, could it be the cast are so much alike? Same hair, same uniform, same height, same age! I can't tell em apart but what matters is I'm intrigued enough to make the effort and I simply cannot imagine even being interested enough to watch any politically correct, cast by colour Netflix production, and I must admit I like the idea of young love shown in the traditional, real way. Its refreshing. 

19 May 2018

Repeal the fucking Eighth

IF Ireland has a heart they stole it from somewhere else. All this! from the country which did a roaring trade in illegal adoptions, where women and girls were imprisoned and forced to work in Magdalene Laundries, where young boys and girls were physically and sexually abused in Industrial schools and convents, and where more than SEVEN HUNDRED DEAD BABIES AND TODDLERS WERE DUMPED IN ONE CESSPIT! No healthcare and no death certificates for those children of Ireland.
Its not as if abortion doesn't happen, right now in Ireland women and girls are making arrangements to go to the UK or an EU state to get an abortion, that means that at the most difficult time of their lives women and girls are forced to leave their homes and families and endure the most traumatic decision they will ever take not just alone but isolated from everyone they know. And do you know this intransigent attitude maybe responsible for more abortions than there might be if women and girls were able to think calmly, get proper advice and make their decision surrounded by friends and family.

26 April 2018

The Two of Them...

Its never mentioned, possibly its forgotten, almost certainly its disliked even hated, but its still true.

Bill Clinton and Donald Trump have something very important in common.

Oh, both are good strategists and tacticians but they are not what set them apart.

What sets them apart is both are Alpha Males. The Alpha male has been around since humans first fell out of the trees and until the twenty first century the Alpha male was a known and recognised species, but the seven stone weaklings have taken over the west and the Alpha male is cast aside.

Except its not easy to cast aside an Alpha male, most of the time the Alpha appears happy to let the tribe do what they will until the tribe goes too far and that has been happening for years, the slow painful descent of the western male into obscurity is visible and no Alpha male will allow the descent to continue without a fight and being Alpha the fight is to the death.

Clinton didn't have to worry about the downfall of America in his day it wasn't even an idea but the slow descent begun with George Bush gathered pace with Obama who is nobodies idea of an Alpha male Obama has a hard job being accepted as masculine Alpha is out of the question.

And its as simple as that Clinton wouldn't have tolerated an Alpha male in the Democrat party let alone in Congress. He ruled, ruthless, corrupt whatever it took he used it.

Trump is much the same he won't tolerate another Alpha in his vicinity. Trump will do whatever it takes to keep what he has won and he will demand the respect he thinks is owed to America.

Bill Clinton was almost ignored by the Hillary Clinton campaign team and that was their loss. He is charismatic, friendly and politically decades ahead of the lobbyists and office boys.

And, think about it, the very idea of Donald Trump putting any opinion or advice above his own is just ridiculous. 

 No, neither of them are nice people and Clinton maybe a serial rapist but that doesn't alter the fact or the Alpha, being an Alpha male is probably what the Democrats and the left hate most about Donald Trump, they've got to get over it the more people see of an Alpha male in the White House the less likely they are to accept anything less.

Donald Trump is an Alpha male and that is what America needs and the west need

25 April 2018

I'm Giving Up...

Definitely, positively giving up. There are at least six multi packs of tinned dog and cat food there are as many if not more multi packs of twelve individual packets of dog and cat food, at least two of each are open and there is a large pack of dry cat food just in case...I'm considering opening another tin of Cats Club but I will have to be careful and only open a tin of stuff they like...

There are three unfinished, hardly sniffed, meals in the kitchen lunch was thrown to the birds and I have had enough. I know its an old worn out saying but there are billions of cats and dogs all over the world who would be grateful for what those three leave. I must have the best fed crows and magpies in Ireland if not the world hovering over my garden, and I have had enough.

I am unused to sniffy fusspot cat and dogs. Not so long ago my beautiful Ollie and Trixie would have polished off anything those three were too posh to eat and as for Herself she would not have dreamed of eating anything of theirs and nor would she have allowed anyone else to touch her plate...

I spend a fortune on cat and dog food but its not about money In a way its about choice.

I have Caesar, Pedigree Chum and Tesco dog food I'm considering Winalotts... I have Cats Club, Felix, Sheba and Tesco cat and Whiskers cat food, there is also a carton of Gourmet but I can't remember if its cat or dog food and I'm not going t check. I'm considering throwing them in the bin.

I tell you there is nothing more disheartening not to mention frustrating than ordering expensive cat and dog food, putting it in front of cat and dogs and having all three turn their noses up at it. I even cooked a piece of fish for them, they wouldn't touch it. Nothing is more infuriating, well there are things that are more infuriating but hanging is no longer an option and until I move so is any legal, legal action.

The three of them can jolly well look at their untouched dinner until they eat it.

I miss my gorgeous Ollie, beautiful Trixie and irreplaceable Herself Tax. When I move I am going to buy them a stone cat and dog memorial each they would be wasted here


Jezzie has been naughty, she knows the old chair belongs to Pippa but she has decided she wants the chair. As far as I can tell its not a comfortable chair and I cant be sure but having been used and abused by Pippa and Ollie for years its probably uncomfortable and lumpy. This doesn't appear to bother Pippa or Jezzie.

Pippa just tried to get on her chair, Jezzie wouldn't let her. I would like to ignore the little spat but I think I must get Pippa and make Jezzie get off the chair...I'm beginning to dislike the damn chair.

I did make Jezzie get off the chair I did put Pippa on the chair so its a pity Pippa wouldn't stay there because she had no sooner jumped down than Jezzie jumped back on the chair. I think Pippa would share the chair with Jezzie but what can you do Jezzie is Irish and they don't share they steal. 

21 February 2018

All Over?

No. Not a chance. Poor oul Mooney didn’t even begin to explain where he got my address or where he and his off white friend parked their car. Of course they could have spent almost a day getting from A to B by bus I’ve done it, but it doesn’t explain the walk from town to my house. Cretins they maybe but if they didn’t know both of those are evidence of collaboration before they know it now.
Did I say WordPress stopped sending me their daily email of sales blurb? Yep, they did the last one is dated 10/01/18. I’m not bothered by it, why should I be the emails stopped the day after they would have received a little billet doux from me.
So, NO, the debt stands.
Residential properties, Jaywick near Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, UK. Stock Photo

Clacton, Essex, England

02 February 2018

I just Want to Say

Because its bothering me

The other day there was a power cut of course I had to check all my appliances to make sure it wasn't something at my end being temperamental and then I phoned the Electric co and asked if it was a real power cut, they said it was a major power cut in my area and correcting it might take a few hours.

I was not rude or in any way impolite but I did go on Twitter & have a minor rant. Just a few short words which may have included a couple of swear words slotted between the list of electrical things that are essential to staying alive in Ireland. I did not mention my age nor did I mention the electrical co by name. To me electric is electric how many other names does it need?

Funnily enough the electric was switched on quite quickly I relaxed and put my laptop on and there I sat, checking, reading, deleting and otherwise enjoying myself for maybe an hour or so, and then, the laptop said 'Your battery is low' I immediately checked the appliances and discovered the power cut was back in full force...

What in such a situation is one to do? I can't speak for anyone else but being out of options I went to bed to read and sleep.

A couple of hours later the phone rang the man on the other end asked if my electric was working. I checked and said 'No' He replied it might be another couple of hours. He did sound a bit nervous but I was not bad tempered or in any way rude. I think I thanked him for the call then I went back to bed.

Another couple of hours went by and then I got another phone call This time it was from an electrician who was trying to find my house. I got up and went outside in time to see him pulling up. His van with its flashing lights made a considerable difference to the undiluted blackness of my house. 

He jumped my garden wall, the gate latch was damaged by Berni the horrible taxi driver, and came in. I can't tell you what he looked like because he had the biggest most powerful torch thingy I've ever seen on his head and anyway what he looked like is irrelevant. He came in followed me to the kitchen, took one look at the electric thing and asked "Who did this?" I told him "I did" In this house there aint no one else to blame...

Aaanyway he switched all the switches and lo and behold! The electricity was back and away he went. It couldn't have taken more than a minute and that includes making me switch lights on to show they worked.

This was not the first time there has been a power cut in this area I think its the third but this is the first time anyone has checked to make sure the electricity is working. I was very impressed! And very grateful. I thought 'they don't do this in England'...

I think I may have switched too many switches on the whatever it is that rules the electricity in this house. Thing is there are four switches for heat, cooking, lighting and plug points, so what I asked myself are the other four switches for? I didn't do so when the first power cut happened I asked myself this question during the second power cut and that's when I switched those four off too. This may have been a mistake...

So, I just want to say thank you to the nice people at the electric company.

18 January 2018


Are funny ole things. It doesn't matter how old we get a birthday never goes away. You'd think its unimportant, irrelevant to today that even if we didn't know our date of birth we do all know our age, and what is age anyway but an arbitrary measure depending for its very existence on whichever calendar the tribe, race, species use.

And yet, and yet, each time a birthday comes around we either celebrate it or try to ignore it. I'm sixty eight years old today and I would very much like to forget today is my birthday. Strictly speaking I am not another year older none of us are, and yet, we cower from the very thought of another year older.

The religious, and there are far too many of them, would say we should celebrate and be thankful, they would insist that the older we get the more we should reflect upon our lives do the simple arithmetic of achievement versus failure and be thankful.

As if!

I would happily write the last ten years of my life off of every calendar, yearbook and history of my life. I went from one correctable mistake to eight years of burning, permanent scars. I would give so much never to have set foot in Ireland for anything other than holidays. And yet I had spent so long dreaming of living here and no one told me its a horrible place to live, part of me is annoyed that the Irish who escape never tell anyone they were delighted to get away and will never return for anything but holidays and maybe funerals.

Today is my birthday. I'm sixty eight years old and like all of us I'm still learning. I will tell you this though and it is a fact.

If you are going to make mistakes make them while you're young for the passing of each birthday means you have less time to correct the mistakes you make and live happily ever after.

Happy birthday to everyone who is sixty eight years old today. I hope your debts are paid, your house is your own and you have a nice strong pension to rely upon. I hope you ignored the law and got as much of your wealth as possible salted away in one of those lovely, warm and welcoming off shore bank accounts.

But in spite of it all I will tell you this I will grab tomorrow and every tomorrow with hands teeth, nails and spirit.

Tomorrow is a word full of hope and possibilities. Never let go of tomorrow 

14 January 2018

Who Runs Blogging?

I've come to the conclusion that at its root, I was going to say heart but lets not be silly, are Europeans and some Indians. Indians don't invent things but they do tinker they are non stop tinkerers, very often they improve things but not always and not blogging sometimes they are actually dangerous because unlike most Europeans some Indians don't seem to have a stop mechanism.

There are four Indian types I know of who supposedly blog on Wordpress I say supposedly because I don't believe they do actual blogging, I don't believe they are obsessed with photography and I definitely don't believe any of them live in some idyllic rural community in India, well the open field plumbing has the potential to cause all sorts of problems starting with in most western countries the only thing to look out for on the streets is dog poo.

None of the Indian bloggers tell the truth and that's a fact.

Which leaves the Europeans and if anything they are worse, the odds on the European bloggers I've read telling the truth are minus and falling.

Who would move to a place like Glastonbury in order to be witchy? the whole of the British Isles are riddled with sacred stones, sacred trees and sacred caves, and none of them have been so thoroughly Americanized as Glastonbury not even Stonehenge. Its exactly the same as a twelve year old running off to London to meet the latest boy band because naturally she will no sooner get there than they will meet and the leader of the band will fall in love with her and they will live happily ever after, there is no adult sense to it, and that naturally confirms the suspicions of anyone who knows teachers.

It took me some time to realise that blogging attracts grifters, frauds, dreamers and the downright insane, and some of them are dangerous.

I like blogging but I really don't like or trust Wordpress. I use it for good and sufficient reason but I'm convinced it has some of the most criminal and perverted minds in the high tech world running it. I'm also convinced I'm effectively blocked from publishing blogs on Wordpress. Oh the buttons click and the blog says published but I don't think anything I post gets beyond a few corrupt conspirators and what's sad and pathetic is there's a hierarchy among the conspirators and not all of them will get the published post.

Blogger maybe less corrupt its harder for me to tell because whilst I know nothing I post is published I can't yet be sure who blocks the posts. For example this and almost everything I write is written on Blogger first - for safety and then copied and pasted onto Wordpress and I know that's necessary because one almost completed post was deleted just as I was about to publish and one post I wanted to republish was continually blocked.

A few minutes after I finally managed to publish the post the creature who was blocking it actually 'liked' my about me page in acknowledgement that A) I did it and B) he wanted me to know it wasn't a fluke he had been sat in front of his computer screen actively blocking every move I made.. Imagine the unthinking arrogance of that and then imagine how bored and even sick the blocker must have been to have nothing better to do than block me not just once but continuously for more than an hour

I am as they say coming out I want the owners of Wordpress hung from a tree. I want the truth about blogging known to everyone Gawker wasn't alone he was just caught by a richer man than anyone on Wordpress or Gawker.

Time after time we read of lunatic bloggers being forced to retract, to apologise and sometimes to pay compensation, but none of that exposes the real criminals who run Wordpress

I'm coming out, if Mick Fealty, Eamonn Mallie, Alex Kane and David Vance think its worth suing go ahead, they were the start of it all, they formed the gang that got me 'trending' on Twitter. As for Aedicula and the ex New Hampshire professor, well Aedi can't decide if he worships a suicidal boy, indigenous American Indian religion or one of the Japanese religions He pleads poverty all the time and the New Hampshire prof has his nice fat pension. All are complicit, but none quite beat the ole prof when it comes to being in your fifties and boasting about your fiance...How many fiances is that in fifty plus years?

I forgot to mention John Mooney of Keeping an Eye on whatsit fame. I can't leave him out not when he traveled all the way from the north of Ireland to county Mayo just to stand outside my garden gate with his afro haired friend to point, laugh and gawk at my house...

I haven't named Aedicula and the professor because it seems a shame to identify so many at once, but I'm sure Aedi is well known and thoroughly disliked in the Seattle area. He has an unusual attachment to his childhood home, ordinarily I would dismiss it as nothing but I suspect something he hates manifested itself when he was in his teens. It changed his life which means his adult life may not be as he once dreamed it would. The prof is not much more than an overgrown schoolboy and probably very well known for being just that they both really should have stayed away from Ireland it corrupts the weak.

09 January 2018

A Boss, A Friend, A lover

Is it possible to think of a lover or a friend as also being a boss? Of course relationships of all kind happen but if Joe Bloggs becomes your friend or your lover do you think of him as your boss?

Its seems a simple question but I think its really quite deep and in its depths are the answers not just to the relationship but to the individuals involved. In some industries the exchange of occasional invitations to dinner at the boss or workers home is a regular occurrence but what does it mean? There are obvious dinner party conventions but they are whilst not exactly formal usually friendly but not friends affairs. In both cases one part of the party is trying to impress the other part Hard then to simply be yourself.

I have some previous when it comes to both lovers and friendly and when it comes to friendly I have made one or two horrendous mistakes but that's the thing isn't it what you or I might assume is the norm may not in fact be so to someone else

We each think in different ways, make different assumptions, form impressions even beliefs that may be far removed from what others see as reality. I was going to say truth but in such cases truth is very much in the mind of the beholder, and its so easy for us all to mistake, misunderstand the views of others if we base them as surely most of us do on our own belief, opinion or reaction.

Experience is a funny old thing we use our own experiences to make decisions about ourselves which is natural but also about others and it seems to me that suggests over confidence. The older we get the more we rely on our experiences but surely that is a very one sided and potentially not just erroneous but disastrous thing to do.

I have been friendly with all my bosses, some became very good friends and I don't know how that happened I don't even know if my own behaviour changed very much as a result. Part of me doesn't see how it could because surely it was me being me and they being they that made the friendship possible?

Ah well, its three in the morning and never was there a better time to while away an hour on imponderables 

06 January 2018

Mums and Dads

All of us should think first of the welfare and protection of children they are our joy and they are our responsibility. It seems today some people regard a child almost in the same light as they regard a promotion at work or designer clothes and handbags. A kindof piece of extra and disposable luggage, and that is something everyone should reject with the utmost vehemence.

Every baby is entitled to the best both parents can give. In fact in a world full of entitlements a baby maybe the only one who is rightfully fully entitled to the best the parents and family can provide. So it bothers me when I read about people, both men and women who have children almost as a kind of accessory.

There was a case in the United States of a woman who with her partner decided to have a child, I think with medical help she actually had two when she was in her sixties. So there she was in the real world with two children and she couldn't cope. The children were taken into care and honestly I don't know who I feel more sorry for, her, her partner or the children, but I know who angers me in my opinion both parents want locking up!

Some trans people have been known to put off having the full female to male transition until after they have had a baby and what kind of parent a person like that will be is mind boggling but one thing is certain such parents can't possibly be described as ideal.

So why do some people seem to think the suitability of the parents and the best possible upbringing of the child is irrelevant?

A carefully ignored aspect of elderly parentage is the fitness to play with and teach a baby, then a toddler and then a child. Its not all reading nice books and pointing at the local wild life. Its football, tennis, chess and a million other activities that require speed, agility, intelligence and physical fitness.

Those who become parents in their sixties will be in their seventies when their child is ten years old think of the sheer selfishness of that, and that is even before you start to think of the disabilities that tend to effect older people they can be anything from arthritis, heart disease and back problems to dementia and all before their child has entered their teens, and that's not the worst.

There's autism that's worse than anything that can happen to parents. If you look at the research it says autism maybe a factor in a child born to aging parents, hopefully that is a very rare occurrence but it is true autism has grown enormously over the latter half of the twentieth century and its also true that no one knows why so whilst I am to say the least sceptical I also have to say every possible cause of autism should be carefully looked into and eliminated.

Personally I think the pharmaceutical industry, and it is an industry it exists to make money saving lives just happens to be a happy coincidence, may bear much of the responsibility due not only to the modern preponderance of drugs for children but also to the insistence that all children have the myriad inoculations pharmacists and doctors insist parents must subject their child to, they do this knowing there are serious unanswered questions hanging in the balance and that the affect of an unsuitable inoculation on a child can be life altering and dangerous.

No adult should have a child without carefully considering every possible situation no child is a disposable accessory they are the future, all our futures