It was as you can doubtless imagine such an unexpected joy to hear from you today. I’m guessing you’ve already changed your email address to something less revealing. Be fair dear, you have to have it to bare it and that as I’m sure you know applies to everything however big, small or in some cases minuscule it may be.
I want you to know I was touched by your predicament it must be most unusual for someone like you to discover you are minus a ready if not entirely willing sponge. I do sympathise having grown to know you over the last several years I feel sure it was a most upsetting and very rare situation to find yourself inescapably immured…
Which reminds me from the moment I suggested it I thought I was being incredibly generous, too generous because if one is going to put the boot in its advisable to wear Doc Martins or at least something with steel toe caps and not for example ballerina slippers which give entirely the wrong impression, although I have to say and as you are in the process of learning its a mistake to think ballerina slippers are soft they too can be very firm.
I hope you are well, well enough to seek gainful employment because I’m sure you understand people have this nasty habit of insisting debts are paid.
I don’t want to leave you on a pessimistic note, not a bit! I want to leave you with an optimistic and very real prospect.

Gawker went bankrupt you know, I did read, although I can’t be certain it was in a blog after all, that the owner of Gawker has said he’s thinking of going back to blogging which is apparently where he started. Imagine my surprise.
Do be well and if you are forced to sleep on a handy beach it shouldn’t be too much of a hardship I understand its very warm where you are or at any rate where you’re going.
Take care and do feel free to email again it costs nothing and I’m always polite, understanding and don’t I just ooze empathy…
Oh, and Pippakin…says meiow
You were hacked! Oh, how dreadful. I know hackers are notorious for begging and of course your email must be so well known, sure it all makes sense. Coincidence though the amount they asked for being the same as the amount you owe but then you’re not the only one in debt are you.
I daresay your twitter account is also hacked quite often. Hmm
By the by, I sent WordPress a tweet asking for some information its not urgent in fact I’m sure its publicly available if they don’t reply I’ll just have to force myself to look it up and who knows what else I’ll find then.
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