A Self Portrait...

08 July 2016


First and most important Respect to Dallas Police Five of them are dead and Seven are wounded and why? Because policemen both black and white didn’t run away when snipers started firing they ran into danger toward the gunfire. Politicians and scum like George Soros have been pounding the racist drum for years and last evening in Dallas their unrelenting efforts finally paid real dividends.
If Black Lives Matter want to make themselves useful they can demand action for unemployed and unskilled young black men, they can demand a system that makes it financially preferable for a young black couple to raise their children together in areas where its safe NOT to be a member of a gang, they can demand good teachers in their schools not the useless leftie preachers they get stuck with every time. Good teachers are not your friend they don’t care if your parents are separated, they care about children and making sure the children in their care respect them, their school, their own parents and their education. Start there Black Lives Matter and you will be starting to help black people.
I hear Google has chosen today of all days to announce its supporting Black Lives Matter aint that nice? So how are they going to do this is Google with its billions going to start making cars in Detroit are they going to create skilled jobs in Chicago? Are they going to set up offices in every run down high unemployment black area? How many black people do Google employ? How many black people does billionaire George Soros employ? And not just to wait tables, make the coffee and sweep the floor. How many skilled jobs do Google, George Soros or the entire Democrat party create for black people?
How many decent houses have they built or even renovated because there are a lot of boarded up empty houses in majority black areas. At best the Democrat party will offer some black people the opportunity to go to college and get the kind of degree that leaves them thousands of dollars in debt and unemployed. Black people need full apprenticeships and real college degrees not Micky Mouse political fiction courses that will leave them worse off than before they started the course.
I’ve been called racist because I believe the people in a country  regardless of colour are more important than the people in other countries. I believe the Muslim religion is dangerous and if its not taught properly in schools so that for example black people grow up knowing Islam is NOT their friend there will be real danger of a kind so far unseen in western countries.
Its not the fault of any black person except Barack Obama who mentions racism in every speech he makes but who has not created one worthwhile job for black people, and it is most emphatically the fault of every white person who stands well and far away from black people giving nothing positive but instead urging them on to ever greater anger and resentment.
Don’t ask Hillary Clinton what she will do for black people she’s not about to  change the habit of a lifetime and start helping black people now. She will use Dallas as a whip to beat black people into further rage and violence. She will shed her crocodile tears but she won’t create one decent job, not one decent school and not one decent housing area. None of them will.
I don’t know which politician is better but I do know more of the same will make lives worse

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