A Self Portrait...

24 July 2016

Friday go to Town Day

I had to go I didn't want to but it was a hospital appointment and so no choice. First I was going to walk into town, then I was going to get a cab. I didn't want to get a cab I knew if I did I would rat, take the cab all the way to the hospital and probably ask the driver to take me home too.
I didn't want to do that because I had a brand new, squeaky clean bus pass and like a kid with a red rover ticket I wanted to try it out so after all my dithering, it helped that the taxi number was busy, I decided to walk into town and get the bus. I got about two thirds of the way and my hips began to play up, then my right knee went and I almost hit the ground but I was strong and continued to town. The taxi number was busy...
The bus was late there I was out of breath from trying to turn a hobble into a run, naturally I was chain smoking, and the bus was late. I thought the hospital might be annoyed with me, I thought the damn bus chose the wrong day to be late and I thought my hips might not unbend enough to let me climb onto the bus, that's the strange thing about hips when they're rusting you can stroll along almost straight but the moment you try to lift your leg into an unfamiliar step they seize up altogether and you are embarrassed.
Did you know the step onto the bus is relatively high? I bet you didn't I can't say I'd noticed it much if at all before, anyway the bus driver was very nice waved my nice bus card away,  I competed the climb and hobbled to a seat.
I have to say I did enjoy the journey, the passenger across the aisle was very nice we would have had a chat but the passenger behind me, he with an English accent, kept interrupting, not at all in an unfriendly way but in a way that left no room for conversation. The passenger opposite and I shared a glance and the woman in front of him told me not to worry she was getting off the same stop as me and would let me know when we got there. I hadn't been concerned about finding the right stop only about how late I would be for my appointment but it was very kind of her to volunteer and I was grateful because it meant however slow I was getting out of the seat and down the aisle the bus would not take off with me still on it, such are the concerns of people with hips and knees.
The ultrasound waiting room was full and we were all agreed the drink they give you for something or other is absolutely foul and we grimaced and groaned our way through the obligatory four glasses or approximately one pint of the stuff. It all went very well I didn't get told off for being late, the nurse found a vein without too much trouble and I breathed in and out as directed. Time to go shopping.
My feet were killing me, I don't know why maybe the heat in the hospital made my feet swell but the last thing I wanted to do was shop, what I really wanted to do was have a nice cup of tea and spend the afternoon in close contact with my bathroom.
It just so happens there is a taxi rank outside Dunnes so when I had hobbled to the shops that's what I did. I decided my nice bus pass could wait for another return journey, got a cab and came home.
I was feeling quite pleased with myself. I had been there and done it and I was home with my feet up, which is when I remembered the bank and the shopping. I don't feel too bad about it after all I never go to town and remember everything, and my hips hurt, my knee gave way and by lunchtime my feet were giving me hell. It was almost nice to be home.
I do like Castlebar 

20 July 2016

Just Saying

I love that phrase. Just saying, common as muck and obviously grabbed by some professional troll A) because it works and B) because it makes your professional troll feel superior to other genuine commenters.

I don't trust, that's it. I don't trust any of the people I've met online and some of the people I've met here in Ireland.

I don't believe the 'hand of friendship' routine. It doesn't work from those who helped to make me ill, are the reason I rarely go to town and who when I was ill did nothing more caring than breath a sigh of relief and hope they were off the hook for good.

There is no 'hook' anytime they want to tell the truth I'm right here to listen and anytime they lie I'm right here to tell the truth.

Some hide behind the excuse they don't know the others involved that is a lie and I've got five pictures, admittedly one of a couple in a car, proving the connection. True its only five pictures but they are pictures of people who came to my door, or more accurately to my garden gate, and they are as valid today as they were the day they were taken.

Of course there is more the never ending goading, threats and even at times enticing comments. All have ulterior motives one of which is to make me look like some sort of deranged fan that's probably what at least one of them told his wife.

At my age!? Be serious! I'm not a fan of anyone and the days when I felt sorry for those I thought must be sick are gone.

I do still prefer this blog I don't use it as much as of yore only because I might want to return here one day soon perhaps when I start my channel. I really aught to show the pictures

Someone stole a horse shoe from my garden and that was no more than a month or so ago. So no its not and nor can they let it be over they have too much to lose

I almost forgot! I do have some recorded telephone conversations, I record all telephone calls from suspicious sources. The last one was from Pat he wasn't connected until his mate Bernie told him his version pity he didn't tell Pat the truth, but its not the first time he's embroiled others and cost them quite a lot of money.

12 July 2016

Outdoor Girl

She sits right on the edge of the path and watches her domain with possessive eyes. Eh, she loves it, she would prefer the front door be left open all day but since that's out of the question little girl sits just so on the edge of the path between front and back of the house and watches, ready to rush to the gate and bark at the merest hint of movement.

Of the five of us Maggie is the only one who really seems to love the garden. I don't I stopped caring five or more years ago, both cats go out and lol about a bit but they give the distinct impression they prefer to be in the warm and of course Jezzie is an indoor girl at heart. She does so hate the rain and cold. All four girls are home bodies except for Maggie who loves her home but rain or shine she loves her garden more.

Bless her she is still far too nervy, literally terrified of taking something from your hand, even to eat from her own bowl she has to be picked up, stroked and put in front of it, presumably to let her know she's allowed. I don't know what her life was like before she arrived here but fear must have been a big part of it, which is not to say she is not a brave girl! She is a determined, pushy little girl but something must have scared her badly and it saddens me to think she suffered.

08 July 2016


First and most important Respect to Dallas Police Five of them are dead and Seven are wounded and why? Because policemen both black and white didn’t run away when snipers started firing they ran into danger toward the gunfire. Politicians and scum like George Soros have been pounding the racist drum for years and last evening in Dallas their unrelenting efforts finally paid real dividends.
If Black Lives Matter want to make themselves useful they can demand action for unemployed and unskilled young black men, they can demand a system that makes it financially preferable for a young black couple to raise their children together in areas where its safe NOT to be a member of a gang, they can demand good teachers in their schools not the useless leftie preachers they get stuck with every time. Good teachers are not your friend they don’t care if your parents are separated, they care about children and making sure the children in their care respect them, their school, their own parents and their education. Start there Black Lives Matter and you will be starting to help black people.
I hear Google has chosen today of all days to announce its supporting Black Lives Matter aint that nice? So how are they going to do this is Google with its billions going to start making cars in Detroit are they going to create skilled jobs in Chicago? Are they going to set up offices in every run down high unemployment black area? How many black people do Google employ? How many black people does billionaire George Soros employ? And not just to wait tables, make the coffee and sweep the floor. How many skilled jobs do Google, George Soros or the entire Democrat party create for black people?
How many decent houses have they built or even renovated because there are a lot of boarded up empty houses in majority black areas. At best the Democrat party will offer some black people the opportunity to go to college and get the kind of degree that leaves them thousands of dollars in debt and unemployed. Black people need full apprenticeships and real college degrees not Micky Mouse political fiction courses that will leave them worse off than before they started the course.
I’ve been called racist because I believe the people in a country  regardless of colour are more important than the people in other countries. I believe the Muslim religion is dangerous and if its not taught properly in schools so that for example black people grow up knowing Islam is NOT their friend there will be real danger of a kind so far unseen in western countries.
Its not the fault of any black person except Barack Obama who mentions racism in every speech he makes but who has not created one worthwhile job for black people, and it is most emphatically the fault of every white person who stands well and far away from black people giving nothing positive but instead urging them on to ever greater anger and resentment.
Don’t ask Hillary Clinton what she will do for black people she’s not about to  change the habit of a lifetime and start helping black people now. She will use Dallas as a whip to beat black people into further rage and violence. She will shed her crocodile tears but she won’t create one decent job, not one decent school and not one decent housing area. None of them will.
I don’t know which politician is better but I do know more of the same will make lives worse

06 July 2016

Dear Kev...

It was as you can doubtless imagine such an unexpected joy to hear from you today. I’m guessing you’ve already changed your email address to something less revealing. Be fair dear, you have to have it to bare it and that as I’m sure you know applies to everything however big, small or in some cases minuscule it may be.
I want you to know I was touched by your predicament it must be most unusual for someone like you to discover you are minus a ready if not entirely willing sponge. I do sympathise having grown to know you over the last several years I feel sure it was a most upsetting and very rare situation to find yourself inescapably immured…
Which reminds me from the moment I suggested it I thought I was being incredibly generous, too generous because if one is going to put the boot in its advisable to wear Doc Martins or at least something with steel toe caps and not for example ballerina slippers which give entirely the wrong impression, although I have to say and as you are in the process of learning its a mistake to think ballerina slippers are soft they too can be very firm.
I hope you are well, well enough to seek gainful employment because I’m sure you understand people have this nasty habit of insisting debts are paid.
I don’t want to leave you on a pessimistic note, not a bit! I want to leave you with an optimistic and very real prospect.
win for hulk hogan $Million
Gawker went bankrupt you know, I did read, although I can’t be certain it was in a blog after all, that the owner of Gawker has said he’s thinking of going back to blogging which is apparently where he started. Imagine my surprise.
Do be well and if you are forced to sleep on a handy beach it shouldn’t be too much of a hardship I understand its very warm where you are or at any rate where you’re going.
Take care and do feel free to email again it costs nothing and I’m always polite, understanding and don’t I just ooze empathy…

Oh, and Pippakin…says meiow

You were hacked! Oh, how dreadful. I know hackers are notorious for begging and of course your email must be so well known, sure it all makes sense. Coincidence though the amount they asked for being the same as the amount you owe but then you’re not the only one in debt are you.
I daresay your twitter account is also hacked quite often. Hmm

By the by, I sent WordPress a tweet asking for some information its not urgent in fact I’m sure its publicly available if they don’t reply I’ll just have to force myself to look it up and who knows what else I’ll find then.