A Self Portrait...

08 April 2016


Disaster and woe is me. I have a major right index finger problem. Its not working, hardly at all I can't bend it, I can't brush my own fucking hair with it and my choice of clothing has shriveled to whatever doesn't have buttons, and its my own fault.

Last evening I opened the kitchen window to let Trixie in this is not unusual I often open the window for Pippa and Trixie, unfortunately and no one regrets it more than me this time I made a mistake, I caught a bit of Trixie in the window I don't know if it was tail or paw but she went potty and even though I corrected the mistake almost immediately both hands are pocked with claw and teeth marks and the right index finger has been holed around the knuckle.

It hurts to the elbow I tell ye.

I maybe reduced to going to the doctor. I got up early not because I'm going to do that but because as everyone knows sleep is impossible when you are in pain and I'd had enough of tossing, turning and trying to find a position that didn't hurt my right index finger.

You will be pleased to know that when I screamed, howled and whined all three dogs and Pippa went for Trixie, she took off it took me ages to find her I finally spotted her under the sofa. The good news is after about three hours she came out of hiding and graciously deigned to sit on my lap and as a little token she had a go at licking my wounds. Anyone who has cats will know that cats tongues are not particularly comforting they're more sort of rasping.

I think the pain is attacking my shoulder or possibly it was brought on by the bad posture produced by being bent double in fucking agony.

And for those who maybe thinking 'how come she can type' let me tell you its hard work and basically involves the left hand and the right ring finger

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