A Self Portrait...

13 November 2013

I've been Thinking

About Art, that's Art with a capital A thank you very much. Sometime earlier today there was an auction of paintings and stuff I think some sort of record was broken to do with the amount of dosh withdrawn with no need for anesthetic from the kind of fools who have no real idea of what they're looking at and nor do they care as long as its in the right package and with the right signature.

As you've probably gathered I don't care for Art art.  I am though I admit it a little bit arty I do tapestries, embroidery and sometimes knit and crochet.  All of which is arty if hardly recognised as such until if it survives its a couple of hundred years old.  Not that it matters recognition is not why I do it.  Nor have I ever wondered what it would be like to be a famous artist.  I simply cannot imagine living the lie or involving myself in the conversation we all have to draw a line somewhere.

I suppose its possible that these objects have been purchased by museums and if that is the case well done those museums.  I can't raise much enthusiasm regardless.  691 million dollars that's the amount of the sales net.  Don't you feel sick?  There are thousands of people all over the world who will go to sleep hungry tonight, there are more thousands recovering from that appalling typhoon and all of them will be as beggars homeless and deprived and the world has 691 million dollars to waste on Art.

I read something along the lines of 'I've stopped pretending I don't understand art'. It doesn't take a genius level IQ to know that it was a throw away remark probably part of a conversation quite likely meaning the opposite of what is implied here.  So what it was an immediate reaction and became part and parcel of my thoughts about Art.  

Here's a news flash I've always understood Art its not about art its about prestige and cash and its thoroughly depressing.   Am I being snobbish?  Are there works that enthrall and delight me?  Oh yes but are they worth saving and using almost as a form of currency?  No they're not.

I'm impatient; today people all over the world will be filling in forms, writing cheques using their credit cards to send money to the people of the Philippines I honestly doubt that they will get anywhere near 691 million dollars.  I hope I'm wrong. 

Now that I've sort of vented my spleen on the unmentionables I feel I should add that both my tapestry and embroidery are often done with what could be called an ulterior motive, oftentimes they become a kindofa part of ritual, they are for or about someone their good health and supportive welfare is in everything from the design to each stitch.  Its one of the ways to gather and construct my thoughts.

Think Dorian Gray but pink!

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