A Self Portrait...

18 October 2016

Been There, Done That. Worried!

It worries me, I can't help it, it worries me. Do I believe someone would steal my dogs? Ordinarily no although I know there is a trade in England I've never worried about it here, until now.

Neither dog is what you might call prepossessing both being cross breeds and neither having any obvious talent, except possibly the unenviable ability to be torn apart by other dogs in a matter of seconds.

I should have ordered stuff and got it delivered but I had a letter to post and I didn't intend to buy much until I noticed Tesco have reintroduced Cats Club and my cats and dogs love Cats Club. What can I tell you to misquote psycho Hillary Clinton who misquoted Julius Ceasar: I saw, I bought, I suffered.

It had to be done I tell ye! I couldn't be sure the branch that does the deliveries would stock them and I couldn't bear the thought of not getting the girls something they like so much. I regret it. It always takes me hours to get over the walk into and the walk back from town and what's worse this time I forgot my walking stick: left it in the bank! Which I didn't even need to enter except I was in town and I thought might as well kill two birds with one stone and both feet.

I didn't like the careful inquiry about names it unsettled me and I  know I will worry incessantly. I wish I hadn't gone, but then again I'm glad I bought Cats Club the girls loved it for dinner all four of them, yes the dogs had to have some too and I daresay I'm worrying for nothing...

Updated 19/10/2016

Great News! The Bank of Ireland had my walking stick and gave it to me immediately, I was so pleased and grateful. Actually its not my walking stick, well it is but it was my uncles walking stick first. I like it better than any other because its long almost a mini staff or, as some might be well advised to look upon it, a very long baseball bat...

Enough! Its back in my hot little paws now and I need it. It helps me when I get puffed and/or when my hips/knees/joints hurt.

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