A Self Portrait...

14 September 2013


Is there any evidence to suggest that Antinous didn't for eg commit suicide?   What was he but the plaything of a great man and much of  that man, Hadrians, subsequent actions could conceivably be categorized as remorse. The lad Antinous appears to have been a gentle, loving soul who lived a blameless life and died as so many of us do too soon.

Interestingly there is no evidence to say he didn't commit suicide.   All that is certain is that he drowned in the Nile on the same day, 24th October, as the local villagers were commemorating Osiris.  At the time there were rumours of murder or even that Antinous committed suicide to protect Hadrian, just plain drowning doesn't seem to have been given much credence.

I don't know but from all I've read, and I've read a fair bit, if written by what might be described as heavily biased opinion, there is no certainty around Antinous death but equally no apportioning blame, except I wonder if Hadrian maybe blamed himself.  

And then I thought what if it was a crime of passion?   Hmm what if the passionate person had this time been Vibia_Sabina?  Hadrians wife.   I can't be sure but I definitely lean toward the idea that whatever the men thought or to this day think wives and girlfriends take a somewhat different view of affairs and when that affair is with someone of the same sex?

Yep I can see a passionate response there right enough, but maybe not, maybe the marriage was one of convenience, they were cousins and such marriages would be common enough more a joining of wealth and power than lovers plighting their troth.  Perhaps extra marital affairs meant nothing to VIbia, maybe Antinous death was just an accident, they do happen.

It's possible to go to a dozen maybe a hundred sources, all of them will be more expert than I, but I chose this one they generally know what they're about:


The signs were there from the beginning, remember?  I didn't think it necessary or advisable to say anything then you chose to open another closet door, why was that I wonder? Beltaine ring any bells...

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